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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Crickets. Nice shot Jackie boy !
  2. Calgary coaches didn't like the call. He literally body slammed a guy without the puck. Come on cowtown !
  3. I liked that play at the net where Risto made young katchuk his bitch. never could spell that damn name
  4. I may have something to add after the Calgary game. A lot depends on the effort. Stay tuned.
  5. I'm not advocating firing the coach but the hard questions need to be asked. When the coach says I have no answers then maybe he is in over his head. Look at how other teams run their bench. You see coaches who have coached for decades helping out as assistant coaches all over the league. Phil brings in guys with as little experience as himself. When a first time G.M. brings in a first time coach with first time assistants on a team thats already got a rep as being fragile you have to ask the hard questions. What the hell is going on ? Are these guys so smart they don't need experience on the bench ? The results tell me otherwise.
  6. This is true especially the last line. Seems the tank was a fire and a miss. Time for a reset ?
  7. Well now if you are talking specifically 'cold' sandwiches then a leftover turkey dinner sandwich is clearly the winner but it must include the dressing and cranberry sauce with the turkey.
  8. Lack of leadership is the locker room cancer
  9. Nevermind. Found it myself. Glad I missed that shitshow.
  10. Some people just don't have the drive
  11. I love it. Anybody ever settle for a condiment sandwich ? Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
  12. Nothing and I mean nothing beats a well made Reuben. Hands down. The best sandwich going.
  13. Good thing Phil doesn't do interviews in 3rd party. :blink:
  14. Nice effort by the boys. Impressed by Linus. Good composure. Unfortunately this likely doesn't happen with Lehner in net.
  15. Ulmarks stopped 40 of 41 so far. Win this for him.
  16. Tripped him with his lips. If these guys go into alamo mode after this pp they'll lose. Keep pushing.
  17. Is It ? I know a couple guys who grew up there on the wrong side of the tracks and they are tough sonsabitches. But I've never been there myself. I'd never heard the racist part. Yeah I was thinkin cowtown but edmonton has the redneck quality as well.
  18. Linus on a lazy susan
  19. Yeah I was around for that. He also had the patience of a sloth which imo worked against him. And he somewhat got lucky when the league decided to enforce the rules against clutching and grabbing and he just happened to have a team that excelled in that situation. He had his strengths but it was time for his ouster in my op.
  20. I'm just waiting for one of those women to full on wet herself.
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