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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Pommenstein looked old and slow on that play. Thank God fer the post.
  2. I shall call him itchy-bun
  3. Don't get me going on Bowl-you.
  4. Is he not a big friggin problem ?
  5. Robin Lehner get the off this team
  6. Lucky guy. My thumb goes numb.
  7. Wondering if they'd hold Kane out at home. Might give the other hundred or so fans that show up these days a reason to stay home.
  8. Used to curl in highschool its a fun sport. Lots of strategy. My reasons for having no interest in the mens hockey is the lack of star power. I like seeing all the guys at the top of their game in the games. Thats the purpose of these games. Bettman screwed the pooch on that for everyone. Douchebag. The womans tournament was like watching a midget tournament ( no offence ladies ) but it was all the best females for that sport which made it great. The Gold medal game was also great. The U.S. was deserving of the victory.
  9. At least someone found some joy in that. Personally never watched a minute of the mens hockey or the curling and frankly could care less. On the other hand I really enjoyed the womens hockey final.
  10. He'll likely get his wingers after the deadline. Somewhere else :(
  11. nice pass Larry
  12. Antipin with the HIT !
  13. Yeah I saw it the same. WUT ?
  14. Hopefully our guys read Friedmans thoughts
  15. Chicken or the egg
  16. Nice. Some goal support.
  17. I'll go with he no longer cares or he is very average at best Alex. I agree the team in front of him are uninspiring and have probably checked out as well.
  18. My eye test is telling me Lehner has quit, he no longer cares or he's very average at best.
  19. The bunker is gaining bodies
  20. I can't explain it any other way than he tried to throw a hail Mary save and in the process leaves the cage wide open. I liken it to trying to make the heroic save when simple fundamentals would likely suffice. I don't need to see him wildly out of position every time the game is on the line. He made many good saves throughout the game but can't make the save when we need it. In his defence our guys need to get in those lanes and disrupt the pass occasionally.
  21. Wut ? A loss ?
  22. Who are these guys ?
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