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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. If she rolls her Rs or cha cha cha's I'd say she's Spanish :P
  2. My great grandparents on my Dads side were from Luxembourgh.( I can't even spell it ). My great grandparents on me wee moms side were from Ireland. I also have Metis blood. My nephew has his status card for the purpose of college tuition. He's technically whiter than me due to dilution. I would never apply for status for the simple reason I haven't lived the native experience. I'm white. I'm also Canadian. No rooting for Ireland or Luxembourgh in the olympics. I know 2nd and 3rd generation Canadians who root for the Netherlands in the Olympics. I don't get that.
  3. Thats a good take and spot on. We only had him for another 20 games. He could have and would have walked. JBot got what the market would bare.
  4. After sleeping on my initial disappointment over the return I've actually come around. This young guy has an opportunity to grow with this team and hopefully JBot and his management group/scouting staff did their homework. Kane is gone. We might have lost him for nothing. Moving on...
  5. It has been debunked ? O.K. It was all over facebook today so I figured it had to be true what with the Zuck tryin to eliminate fake news and all.
  6. Is there any truth to the story that Lehner asked to be dealt today. If so fire his ass out of here.
  7. Well I think JBot did one of two things when he initially asked for the moon. He put it in the fans heads that that might be the return for Kane and he also scared away some of the teams that may have been suitors thereby limiting his chances of ever getting some sort of a bidding war going. Or San Jose was the only team that saw any value in Kane. In any case most of us overvalued his worth.
  8. Put it on a saturday.I hate working when this shite is on.
  9. This has nothing to do with race. and when GMs are trying to make their team better for a cup run the only time Kanes past comes into play is during negotiations. These guys would sign Ted friggin Bundy if he could score 25-30 goals in season.
  10. Vancouver so Kane or Samson ?
  11. Good take. He's long in the tooth and Kane would have looked good in a Boston uni. Swing for the fences JBot.
  12. lol. This place is like fight club.
  13. Promo I admit I can be at times guilty of that but I'm not blind to the weaknesses on D leading up to Lehners over commitment or throwing himself out of the play to make a save that he then whiffs on. He is literally the last line of defence. I'm not sure if its a loss of confidence or he's perhaps forgotten the basic fundamentals of the game but he looks so out of it at times. He also looks good at times. But he deserves our scorn as much as the rest of the team. Believe me I'd like him to be that guy. But he's not.
  14. To be fair to Robin I didn't see that 2nd one. I was taking a dump which was somewhat more satisfying than watching this team.
  15. Lehner is the only guy on the team that seems to get a pass for bad play
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