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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Wi-Fi ? Spellcheck ?
  2. Someones going to inherit a boatload of money. R.I.P. Paul Allen. He was a great tech pioneer and by all accounts a great owner of pro sports teams.
  3. For all that Sheary tries to do out there he sure turns the puck over. Not one of his better outings. And will Skinner ever find his game. Dahlin I got no problems with. He plays like a wily veteran despite the odd miscue. Overall that game brought back some bad memories from recent seasons past. No matter how much things change they stay the same.
  4. In the Trailer it looks country. Is it all country ?
  5. I remember buying and reading that Hockey news and being really pumped up that we had a good one coming in. Talked a buddy into picking him in his pool at school and he won the pool largely on Toms shutouts his rookie year. Thats how I remember it. It was a long time ago.
  6. That is an awesome shot of guys battling to get a win.
  7. I have plaque psoriasis on the palms of my hands and rosacea on my face. Neither of which I have any control over. Rosacea has been called the curse of the celts because it mostly affects people whose bloodlines go back to the British Isles for some odd reason. I have Irish roots on my mothers side. Both developed later in life ( early 40's ) so I never took the jokes or abuse that a younger person would but it does haunt you. Anyways I think Rasmus deserves a break from those of us who consider ourselves fans.
  8. At 30 clams an hour many would make it a career,
  9. Ahhh. Gotcha. The thread title is what threw me off. For a minute there I thought my calculator was faulty.
  10. Canadian Thanksgiving so 12 pm start time is perfect. This'll be a good test. Hopefully our tender doesn't have to win this one for us. GO SABRES !
  11. Wow is the NHL Centre Ice feed crap tonight.
  12. Doesn't bother me I just wasn't sure why it happens. Its a league that has fans and players from all over the world. I understand why it happens when its a Canadian franchise vs. an American franchise as it should but when theres no Canadian franchise playing ? Anyways not looking to debate this in a GDT so carry on. Enjoy the game.
  13. I still have no idea why they play the Canadian anthem when its 2 US based teams in a US city. With that being said GO SABRES !
  14. Whole lotta Debbie downers on the board. Everyones ready to slit their wrists and we are 1 game in. Take the season in 5 game blocks and hang on to your sanity.
  15. I didn't expect to beat the Bruins. Not sure why everyone forgot that we were dead furken last the season before this. Huge changeover this offseason and it will take some time to come together. The Canucks meanwhile, who many are predicting a bottom 3 finish potted 5 on Calgary in their home opener. Their fans were practically planning the parade route after that win. I liked our fans response better. A little more realistic. Boo them off the ice. Come on peeps I hate the loss as much as y'all but get behind these guys. We will see improvement this season. It won't happen out of the gate.
  16. YOWZA ! Thanks, I think.
  17. Final score ? Please and thank you.
  18. I've been using chromecast for some time now and its not bad. I'm only using it for netflix from the wifes Ipad or for putting the phone screen on the t.v. I'm a little techchallened.
  19. Anyone seen Casey Mittleflat ? Check the milkjugs. Our second line centre is lost in space.
  20. These designers have no imagination whatsoeva
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