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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. I'm not sure I've seen this speed they talk about. Sandra Bollock speed sure but that won't help us here.
  2. I hope Hutton opens up on these guys between periods . I'm pretty certain Phil won't.
  3. Funny how small the equipment was.
  4. Is Lord Mittlestat dare I say it snakebit ?
  5. Jeebus H Christoff what the heck is going on with these guys. They don't like winning ?
  6. I suppose thats why they call it the fertile crescent.
  7. An un named woman is suing for 6 million for coercing her into having 3 abortions over a three year period whereby he would pay her 3 million to do that but never paid up. Its on multiple news sources online apparently but TMZ also has it. or it could be complete bullspit ?
  8. Evander
  9. Mmmm. Anyone hearing any new allegations on Mr Kane ? Involving a young woman over a three year period and payment for abortions ? Heard it through the grapevine. might be unsubstantiated or untrue but its out there.
  10. Like getting stitches or like stitching up your own wound ?
  11. Ups and downs is what we'll see all season but I'm still not happy with the game tonight. Have my expectations been raised the first 10 games of the season ? Do I expect more from these guys ? You betcha ! Tonight it felt at times like they were going through the motions. Hopefully they'll learn to be more consistent as the season progresses.
  12. Pommer Panaran whats the diff ?
  13. Pommer for the goal
  14. Man o man the giveaways. Man the ramparts. There's a whole lot of standing around and watching Columbus.
  15. I really need to see his waterbug act in the playoffs to make a decision on a long term deal tying up that much moolah. Does he get tossed around and essentially mugged beyond recognition with the elevated physical play and substandard playoff officiating where they let everything go ? Actually I really need to see how this entire team holds up under those conditions. Some nights I worry. Just get in boys.
  16. Yeah you know what its probably just me my wife is into it so we'll continue. When we first heard about the show the comments were to the effect that people were passing out because of fright which is over the top hyperbole but I kind of went into it thinking I was in for a real freakshow and I'm not sure it could live up to that so...the story itself isn't bad and I've never been a slasher fan so I'm glad there aren't any college kids being slaughtered at the lake.
  17. The wife and I have watched 3 episodes and I've fallen asleep half way through all three which says a lot since I don't usually become disengaged like that. The pace is slow but I'll attempt to power through leading up to halloween. Just might lose interest as well.
  18. Lotteries are a tax on the poor.
  19. He has a shot but doesn't really use it. No meat on the bone for me. He needs to beef up. He's really not adding much at this point for me. He needs seasoning in the A and a weight plan.
  20. Well to be honest at no time in that game did I get the feeling that the Sabres could or would win that game. Even in the 2nd when they generated some chances.
  21. A few observations. I'm embarrassed for Kyle Okposo. From the first period high stick to the pick play in the third on his own player to spring San Jose for the empty net hat trick goal he was downright bad. He generates more scoring chances for the other team and he's snakebit. Tage needs to go down for some seasoning. He's adding virtually nothing at this point. Bogo for all his injury troubles puts his body on the line for this team. 8 blocked shots. Baloo hasn't been the train wreck we expected and saw most of last year. He's cleaned up the bonehead give aways. It seems the opposition gets away with mugging the Skinners and Shearys with impunity just because they're little.
  22. Nickname ideas ? Woody ?
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