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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Risto looks like he took on Baloos role from last season. Bonehead give-aways galore.
  2. As I said the tender needs to occasionally stop the puck.He's in tough on that two on one but stop something. I love you Linus.
  3. Sam you're in front of the net. SHOOT
  4. Whoa nelly these guys are sloppy
  5. Is Mathew Peca related to Michael ?
  6. So many cookie dusters out there
  7. Goaltending is atrocious tonight.
  8. Not sure if its been mentioned but ' Mindhunters " on netflix is really good. Its about the first couple of guys at the FBI who figure profiling serial killers might be worthwhile so they travel around the country interviewing killers and at times solving current crimes. I was hooked the first episode and binge watched the rest this past weekend.
  9. This game could get away in a bad way here if these guys don't get it together
  10. Phil told the guys he doesn't want to hurt feelings so to back off
  11. Holy Smokes Bouchers eye bags are growing as we speak.
  12. Nice problems to have. Its been a real looooong time since any Amerks players were the talk of the league.
  13. In a league of oh I dunno 900 players, its kind of telling that this bad smell keeps following Evander around. Why is that ? Maybe he is a piece of shite ? Rarely do you hear of any other player with this particular type of problem continually dogging them. Sure you hear of the odd guy with domestic abuse probs or players with drinking probs and the like but the female probs just don't seem to surface as much as they do with Evander. Where there's smoke ...
  14. Kids will have off nights occasionally. Lets see if he can bounce back before we give up. Again.
  15. If these guys can't get up for this one pull their man cards. Must win. GO SABRES !
  16. Mittleflat needs time in the A. Victor does too but he looks closer than the Lord himself.
  17. I'm thinking they did some soul searching between periods
  18. Dis has got to stop - Marti Biron
  19. They're skating like they went to Chucky Cheese for lunch.
  20. Fack ! This games a writeoff.
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