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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Everyone could use some improvement I guess but I'll admit I've seen some pretty ***** behaviour by Canadian fans. This tournament was probably no different. The keyboard warriors that attacked our own players were likely the same type that act like shitheads at the games.
  2. Sorry you feel that way Eleven. I can assure you I am not one of those fans. And if enough Canadian fans do that that you can blanket/stereotype all Canadians with the same brush than we as a country need work.
  3. I remember when blowing your tranny referred to a problem with your vehicle.
  4. Looked like Dahlin tried to lay out a nice hit right at the end of that last sequence. Me likey
  5. Wow. Not sure I even want to watch this one or the B's game. No Eichel on a team thats clearly devoid of offence even with him is painful. Oh well. I suffered through the tank. This can't be much worse.
  6. Yeah I'm beyond disgusted with some of the Canadian fans. Idiots come in all colors unfortunately and there were a lot wearing the red and white. Too bad. These kids carry the weight of their countries expectations on their shoulders. I was glad to see the finnish goaltender offer a small gesture towards the Canadian keeper before he went to join his team mates in celebration. Its nice that he's Sabres property.
  7. Not bad. We have power which is more than a lot can say. A tree fell on the wifes car at work, well more specifically on the car next to hers and crushed it. Covered her car in big branches but when they were all cut away there wasn't a scratch on her car so we feel very fortunate.
  8. At some point this ***** play and bad record does become a streak. You just have to admit it.
  9. There were a few guys standing around watching after that brain fart
  10. They don't need to they keep missing the net
  11. Hutton kicked out his leg to make the save you fell over it Ovi you friggin dummy
  12. Girgs gets the best look of the period. Somethings not right wit that.
  13. These officials need to at least appear neutral. Imo the optics look bad when they are joking around with players.
  14. I couldn't see white between the line and the puck. But yeah these guys are sucking tonight so give them a goal.
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