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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Great game. Good on ya Ralph. You good sir are coach of the night.
  2. Refs r really trying to even this up
  3. Hit the damn net Skins
  4. Hit the damn net Kyle
  5. I like your avatar Millbank.?
  6. Good period. Give em yer mo-t-vation-al speech Ralphie.
  7. Okposlow can’t keep up.
  8. Ok I’ll say it. This team is soft. Aside from Risto who occasionally throws the body.
  9. I really hope you’re ok North Buffalo. Hang in there.
  10. Sob will get the first one just to turn the screw. Ha
  11. Rah Rah Rah. Lets get this party started. Go Sabres !
  12. I understand this take. Once bitten twice shy.
  13. My expectation for VO is huge which i’ll try to dial back but as far as weapons are concerned he’ll give our PP some swagger. There should be a noticeable difference.
  14. That sounded like Walter White !
  15. If he can rag the puck then dishrag it is.
  16. I’m having a hard time listening to ol rubbermouth on the leafs broadcast. The ex goaltender. His name escapes me but he was never any good so it could be that.
  17. Apparently the Black Keys are in the Westboro baptist churches crosshairs because both Dan Auerbach and Pat Carney are divorced. Heathens.
  18. Just finished season 2. Enjoyed it. The actor that played Manson was great. Wayne Williams freaked me out. BTK is twisted.
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