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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Another wrist shot from power into the glove on the power play and I’ll lose it.
  2. After the first it appears Utah recieved some coaching. Not sure about the Sabres. 5 shots.
  3. At the 2:00 mark I get a notification that Utah scores at 55 seconds. I thought this was live sportsnet.
  4. That shift was far to long by the benson line. Tired a.f. By the end.
  5. You make it an us against the world thing which I’m sure he has already done. Its the room against the world. KA and TP are outsiders.
  6. How long do we wait to get PP coaching that is at least adequate for the NHL? This has gone on for too long. They are pro’s at passing it around the perimeter and more times than not absolutely no one is creating havoc in the crease. When will they switch it up and try something different ?
  7. Not sure anyone has noticed but when Quinn is in the lineup when the camera pans past the bench he is often laughing or has a big ***** eating grin on his face. Seems he’s in a pretty good place. No pressure,no problem. Much the way it was for these guys when Granato was coach. I was hoping Lindy would bring the heat to this group but he’s proving to be an old softy as well. I just want to know if Quinn(and others) know how this looks to the fans when the players appear to be enjoying the show more than the fans are.
  8. KAs mantra-baby steps
  9. Make that trade. You have to give to get.
  10. Its like oak island. Jebus just find the friggin gold already.
  11. Wishful thinking doesn’t win cups. Just my opinion but you have to go after it. You need staff and players with the same mindset. Not sure that exists on this team. Maybe one or two guys.I don’t see it.
  12. Kev will keep trading the good players. Its his m.o.
  13. Kevins too smart to look to teams that have had success. The formula is right there for anyone to follow. Yet Kevin follows the plan in his head that hasn’t made the playoffs nevermind win the cup. He treads water year after year with not a modicum of success yet is so sure that he is onto something brilliant. All those other gm’s will catch up one day. Yeah you’re a real trailblazer Kevin.
  14. Don’t want to block the kids Kevin? Not even if it means winning and making the playoffs. You are a moron. Your master plan of fielding a team of kids at the expense of winning is bizarro hockey 101. Get outta town clown.
  15. We are the shite bottom feeders feed on.😳
  16. Ok ok we have one star. 😉
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