Why f with something that works. Who cares if its not sustainable ? Try and fix something that works and suddenly it doesn’t work. Thats brilliant coaching right there.
Mmm. Lets see. Beautiful cloudless day. Touque weather but a crispness in the air that puts a skip in my step. Wife wants to go for a hike. Happy wife/happy life. Do I destroy this inner peace by watching the trainwreck that is the Buffalo Sabres ? Sure why not. I’ll go for the hike but steer her back so as to hit that train just before the 2 pm start. A glutton for punishment I am.
Go Sabres !
In other news Kucherov got absolutely layed out by Schenn tonight and is injured. A little karma for his lowbridge blindside hit that put Sobotka out. Lifes a bitch then you are one Kucherov you dummy.
They put in the effort but unfortunately effort isn’t everything. Lacking talent, NHL caliber players, finish, chemistry, will, grit , experience etc . This team needs a miracle.