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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. If you can make this team better you do it.
  2. This should be a barn burner. Hope they don’t crap the bed. I feel oddly optimistic. Keep it going Jackie boy YOU CAN DO IT ! Gooooooooooooo Sabres !
  3. Well tonight should add fuel to the fire. Lets see how they match up head to head .
  4. Quantity over quality ?
  5. They ‘ve finally come to their senses and put him in a position to succeed.
  6. After years of ineptitude from this franchise I kind of feel the same. A playoff berth is the measure of success I’m looking for. Another year on the outside is one more kick in the groin for the fans. I realize I’d better rummage around for my old jockstrap from my playing days if I want to avoid any bruising but its time this franchise set the bar a little higher.
  7. Looking at his history and his stats this season I wouldn’t overlook his talent. Here’s to hoping he comes as advertised. Size, scoring ability and will to win.
  8. Being in Toronto certainly helps Mathews gain recognition and helps with his self promotion. The league, media and fans are slowly coming to the realization we all have. Jack is a star.
  9. On that last angle it looked bad. Not sure that was the intent. Highly doubt it.
  10. Not sure Huts would have stopped that
  11. Skinners skinny in that department
  12. Yes and the reason Linus hung his head. He knows he should have covered that up.
  13. If the agent leaked this Bogo should start by firing said agent. What a bozo.
  14. Reading about What Cozens team mates are saying has me so excited for the sabres. Absolutely hates to lose at everything he does. So competitive. Hardest worker etc. He is the culture change the sabres need. Give us a few more like him please.
  15. Can Hutton continue his streak ?? Can Linus handle the load if Ralph chooses not to go with Hutton. Can our guys stick to the system against the Isles tight defence ? Can the captain continue to streak ? Can the guys put all the Bogo chatter out of mind. Will Bogo play ? When will disfunction finally stop stalking this franchise ? Go Sabres !
  16. Perhaps Phil and Zack didn’t get along much when Phil was HC ? Seems odd Phil would hit like on M Harringtons comment.
  17. Thats what I’d recommend. Memories over material. In 15 or 20 years he’ll remember the experience more than a gift.
  18. Wow. Thanks
  19. Was Fred in net or the backup ?
  20. Jack ain’t done growing yet. He’s only going to get better.
  21. Nice win. Thanks for the memories Buffalo !
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