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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Fortunately I’m able to suspend my belief when watching the usual fair from the likes of Michael Bay. Newsflash- most of the action scenes can’t possibly happen in real life without mass casualties to normal humans either. Lol but that reality doesn’t stop most people from allowing themselves the ability of enjoying the make believe of an action film. Its not a Kubrik.
  2. Six underground was good. I enjoyed the deadpool like humour from Reynolds.
  3. Have they ever shown up ready to play after a holiday ? Asking for a friend.
  4. Tsn was one of the sports packages I sacrificed when my wife downsized our cable account. I’m listening on tsn radio via my google home. The lengths we’ll go to.
  5. Got it TSN
  6. Which network is covering the game today ? Time ?
  7. The one thing that will take my mind off the Sabres that I’ll really enjoy is the world juniors. Win or lose we’ve got some prospects to watch.
  8. On this Ottawa feed they spend an inordinate amount of time showing Brady tkachuck chewing his mouthguard.
  9. Spending an awful amount of time in our own end.
  10. That was a weak play by McCabe in the corner. And he couldn’t skate away fast enough. Do better Jake.
  11. He’ll improve in a fortnight?
  12. I would like to give him a renewed sense of confidence.
  13. Well the Isles took a beat down too. So there’s that.lol
  14. Lazar ? That’ll fix things.
  15. Kyle works his butt off most nights. I can’t complain about his work ethic. But he basically has one move one on one. And he’s well past it. Having a six million dollar man on your 4th line isn’t good. Unless he produces at a six million dollar pace. But what do you do ?
  16. I agree with getting guys with what you call drive or self motivation. The will to win. Hate losing. Whatever ‘it’ is. Some call it the it factor. Look at Alex Burrows. The Canucks found him playing in a roller league. Undrafted. Worked his tail off to make it. They are scattered throughout the league. Drury had it. Bring in two or three of those guys throughout the lineup. Have them get in the face of their team mates and hold them accountable. Too many times I see our guys watching the opponent come into our zone and our guys are gliding in behind them like they are waiting for a team mate to do something. Its maddening.
  17. I’m getting there. I’m emotionally invested in this team only because I always have been. It’s literally more out of habit than love. I honestly don’t understand why I continue to back a loser in the Sabres other than the fact I’ve always been loyal to a fault. But my f¥c£ it reflex is so damn close to kicking in. Terry get someone to improve this fricken roster. F¥c£ !
  18. It’ll be refreshing to watch the world juniors next week to escape the shitshow that is the Sabres.
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