Yeah so its a new year. Out with the old, in with the new. But one place in the entire universe that won’t happen is with the Sabres. Same old same old. Wash , rinse, repeat. Seasons half over and we’re again trending bottom 5. Our GM is nowhere to be seen. Our coach seems to have no answers. This whole idea of internal competition for jobs applies to half the lineup. Other guys can disappear or not show up and they aren’t displaced. We went into the season missing pieces and there is still no one thats stepped up or been brought in for those positions. And guys want out. Two that we’re aware of. This is mutiny territory. The city self identifies as hockey heaven or maybe not. The owner did at one time. Clearly the owner is an abject failure at hockey ownership. Money can’t buy you love. Nor brains apparently. And if you’re listening Jbottom i want out too. Trade me for a bucket of pucks. Get what you can. You suck.