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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Was Tatar injured or benched in the playoffs for Vegas? I can't remember. He only played 8 games...
  2. Marc Bergevin would like to remind everyone he is still the GM in Montreal.
  3. I never changed it back from when we all went Swedish. It works as it is.
  4. I'm not saying nfreeman is out to lunch or arguing in bad faith, but the reflexive need to stare as hard as we possibly can at anything other than the incredibly large elephant in the room needs to stop. And those of us who wish to address it aren't wackaloons, either.
  5. You have the luxury of looking at it this way. Conversation isn't, obviously, going to change your perspective.
  6. The assumption that everything is fine and nobody (white) should consider their words or be called out on them when problematic is beyond destructive. And honestly, what other explanation is there for the anthem nonsense?
  7. Republicans are quite happy to maintain status quo. While everyone watches Trump toss toys out of his stroller every day, they get to do whatever they want. This is indeed the darkest hour America has faced, and enough of us are happy about it to prevent anything ever being done. We're doomed.
  8. The short term consequences of his actions, especially as they appear ready to be signed off on by the Republican majority in Congress, have the potential to be quite disastrous. Even now, Russia is telling us to move troops out of Syria and we will, Venezuela is our next target, and Yemen is being left to starve and die. We must either put a stop to it or prepare for our recompense.
  9. Dude. It's not as if there isn't a case to be made here. Would it be easier if we didn't have to think about what we say? Yes. But we do, and for perfectly good reasons.
  10. Says the guy who thinks Auston Matthews is going to be a bust... Also, for the record, not what I was saying (Nor was I busting Flagg’s balls). Not in any way expecting Olofsson to contribute this year at all. Just doubting the actual size of the void left by ROR.
  11. Wait, ROR is not per se irreplaceable?
  12. Also (and again, consider the source, but still...): https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/09/five-times-brett-kavanaugh-appears-to-have-lied-to-congress-while-under-oath/
  13. Which does not include or have anything to do with hockey.
  14. Give it a week, everybody will be on to something else.
  15. Tnis is about to get fun. Refusing to voluntarily speak w/ Meuller, he’ll be subpoenaed. Protesting his innocence as he does, it’ll be a bad look for Trump to take the 5th. Except, he has no other option, really, so he will. Then, about three minutes later, he’ll take to twitter to profess his innocence again. At which point, we’re he anybody else, he’d be somehow even more screwed than he is now. But, as is his wont, he’ll skate for any one of a variety of reasons.
  16. I think I may have been mixing up facts: Booker's stunt and the perjury accusation are separate. The perjury accusation is made regarding testimony given in 2006, where he claimed to have nothing to do with the confirmation process of another judicial candidate, which is belied by the fact that emails recovered show he was clearly not only involved, but in possession of stolen documents pertaining to Democratic Senators in opposition. Blog post about it, take it for what it's worth: https://abovethelaw.com/2018/09/brett-kavanaugh-perjured-himself-impeachment/
  17. Leftover preformative Cold-War jingoism, which we keep doing because we think we’ve always done it.
  18. Welp. Cory Booker is going to get himself thrown out of the Senate for providing the public with (committee confidential) proof that Kavanaugh perjured himself... Eceryone on that committee has ostensibly seen it, they’re going to confirm him anyway. I’m laughing, but only to prevent myself from crying.
  19. They’re (Republicans) getting everything they want with Trump. Tax cuts, reactionary judges, I’m sure we’ll be moving on to hitting government / social programs again here shortly. Pretending to be taking action to “save us” from the other stuff is merely bet-hedging. When the camel’s back inevitably breaks, be it impeachment or the 25th amendment (highly unlikely, either of them), resignation or being turned out in 2020, they can turn around and claim to have been doing something. Self-serving nonsense.
  20. That particular roster move needs to be listed under key additions. IMHO.
  21. Hulu, YouTube, Dish (sling), and direct TV all do online packages. I use Hulu and get local sports channels, $40 per month for everything. Make sure, before singing up, that whoever you pick carries MSG, as content varies by market.
  22. And other trades...
  23. The win over Spurz was impressive, but it helped that their first three games were Brighton, Burnley, and Palace. They (and Chelsea, IMO) will fall back down the standings as the schedule gets tougher.
  24. At this price, I might consider it, for Amerks-related viewing. I knew it was ridiculously expensive previously but woah who actually paid that?
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