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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I hope not, and were I a betting man I'd be in hard on them getting relegated. The fact that they somehow claimed a draw they in no way shape or form deserved against Watford, who came out of the gate flying and indeed beat ManU, is further proof that the quality of this league is plummeting. Edit: Whoops, they lost to ManU, beat Spurs. Whatever, they're still inexplicably in 4th place right now.
  2. Fulham are bad, you guys...
  3. My only complaint for tonight: Screw MSG for forcing me to listen to the sounds of oral sex being performed upon the entire Maple Laff organization. How lazy and/or cheap can you be? Ugh. Anyway, looking forward to the varsity playing tomorrow.
  4. For all the plaudits he gets, Kadri does not skate well if anything other than a straight line is required. Just an observation...
  5. I, for one, approve of our new ghost censor.
  6. , Otto, put that on net.
  7. Not to derail the GDT, but if I were the Devils, I’d be white hot at the Kovalchuck treatment from the league, when Arizona got to stay over the floor by counting Pronger when he was working in the league Office and the Horton deal, among others, were shrugged at. The center of the hockey universe and Bettman’s hill to die on, treated differently in naked cap circumvention. Go figure.
  8. I mean, he probably wasn’t going to play anyway.
  9. Evidently Nathan Horton was listed as a scratch by the Laffs tonight. I’m sure there are CBA reasons for this, but the charade is hilarious...
  10. And to think, maybe four of these guys are actually going to start the year with the Sabres...
  11. Nice stop by Ullmark on Tavares. I can't really get a read on how responsible he is for the four goals, though. I want to say not very...
  12. Nylander needs to deposit that. Did all the work for no reward...
  13. I think this puts an end to the possible "Let's just dress the Amerks" strategy.
  14. Well, that escalated quickly.
  15. If it makes you feel any better, there’s “only” $2 million left on his contract in real money. It’s just the cap hit that stings at this point.
  16. Evidently MSG is carrying the Sportsnet feed both tonight and tomorrow. Get ready to listen to some blue and white ball-washing...
  17. There is a 100% probability that this is down to somebody goofing up something somewhere on the website end. If the games weren't going to be on MSG it would have been mentioned before now.
  18. It happens Every. Single. Day.
  19. Bogo is practicing today. This is not a drill. Remain calm and stay in your homes...
  20. You'd be amazed, or perhaps not, at the litany of stuff people leave in cars, locked or not, that then get stolen. Firearms, wallets and purses, phones, laptops and other electronics, jewelry, you name it. People need to stop treating cars like storage lockers/closets.
  21. At what point is it no longer virtuous to effectively condone the destructive behavior of a sizable minority because it's easier? Division is not ideal, but some things can not be suborned. We've seen it play out over and over again in history. It never ends well.
  22. Apples apparently don't fall too far from scumbag trees...
  23. Hilariously enough, I have a friend who just donated a kidney to someone. They gave her Tylenol after the surgery...
  24. The rule in general is litter boxes = cats + 1. So my two get theee boxes... the house I’m currently renting allows for it, I’m trying to go smaller and hoping the ex takes a cat shortly...
  25. KO looks to have gained half a step. Yes, please.
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