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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Do you guys see what's happening here? I'm agreeing with pi. The apocalypse can not be far behind.
  2. Okay, JJ. wins, along with @Andrew Amerk. Let's all of us pick up other teams who might do better because come on, we can't expext the Sabres to do well. Nor can we behave like adults when the thing we thought was coming came.
  3. Mmmmmm.. not buying it. He's been here a long time, but having read his posts for the past half-decade or so, it's apparent dude is a Panthers fan. I doubt he'll even deny it if pressed. He comes here because there are literally no other Panthers fans. Which is fine, but declare your interest. All I ask.
  4. This is the point. One of us is. One of us.
  5. You're hoping to win an argument I'm not having with you whilst ignoring the the thing I'm trying to drill home. You win. This is the last I'll comment on your hilariously disingenuous "fandom." Peace.
  6. Root for whoever you want to root for. Ask for an allowance from fans of a team you “root for” apparently less (though we both know how this works, in a knife fight or elimination game you’re not a Sabres fan), well. Then. We have a problem. There are fans of other teams on this board, but they declare an interest and go on with it. You don’t. You don’t think you have to. You think tossing lines out about how you us d to be a Sabres Fan qualifies you to pass comment on anything having to do with this team when in fact you’re actively a fan of another team. Good for you... be a Panthers fan. Just do it elsewhere. Or admit you’re not a Sabres fan, stay here and be treated accordingly.
  7. It who watches the watchers? By no men’s is my argument that the Sabres aren’t awful, but I can’t shake the idea that the numbers underlying the stats aren’t horribly corrupted. And not out of bias either, just the vagaries ofwho is playing who else where.
  8. You toss the term "Classy" about as if you have any idea what that encompasses. In any case and or event, I'll argue with you no further. Go Panthers, I suppose...
  9. His opinion You know what? A civil conversation is nowhere near what you're aiming for. Your conclusions have been drawn. Frankly, for as long as you’ve been posting it’s been the Florida Panthers are so much better thanthe Sabres because... but there’s never a because? Or any cogent argument... just you demanding that e all now to Gerard Gallant and your own opinion. So yeah... F**k off.
  10. Again, these stats vary based upon what building you’re in. A thing the fancy stats crowd (of which I’m half in, but because of the following can’t be all on) chooses to ignore is that stats vary and are not and never have been reliable.
  11. Dude.
  12. Really? You came back and tossed out the same “I root heavily for a team other than the Sabres” thing and literally none of us want to hear it.. but you’re probably right, ir’s Not your fault your trolling has met with negative responses, it’s all those posters with memories... f**k off.
  13. Dude, there has to be a Panthers forum you could join... oh wait, right. You’re a solid 1/3 of the fan base.
  14. Shot totals, and the shot attempts that drive a bunch of fancy stats, are so shoddily handled and vary from building to building that it’s laughable. That said, we suck at putting pucks on net.
  15. Wellp, gonna go ahead and finish that bottle of whiskey, goodnight all.
  16. I started drinking way too early... might be watching this in the morning..
  17. “The very first time I saw your face I thought of a song and quickly changed the tune...” I absolutely love The Cure...
  18. Having excised the two obvious culprits from what everyone heard was a dysfunctional room last season, plus the constant quotes out of everybody about how much better things are now on this front, it’s no longer an excuse or worth discussing.
  19. The job within my division that I want more than anything else posted today. This one was posted with a caveat, the person hired will be stationed in Richmond. Even though literally none of the others are, or have ever been required to. I can’t move to Richmond. FML.
  20. I mean, dude’s good at what he does, but isn’t putting Nybody over the top... plus the Hot Topic emo kid routine... eh. Even if Thompson goes down (which he should) it doesn’t means that 1. The ROR trade doesn’t equal addition by subtraction (I firmly believe this) and 2. Thompson won’t grow into becoming a major piece in this team (jury’s out)
  21. And until the kids in Rochester are properly and fully molded into guys who do belong the rebuild is ongoing.
  22. He was enjoyable in the prospects tourney. Good luck to the kid.
  23. At this point I’m of the opinion that Phil should go back to being a fullatime housedad to his adult children and, most importantly, make himself available to lick his wife’s jackboots clean on short notice...
  24. @Randall Flagg I, and all of us love you. Don’t leave again...
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