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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Sessions out. Rosenstien set aside (reports are he has already or will resign by the end of the week). Acting AG a real unqualified partisan price of work... this is what did Nixon in (well, and the indictments we never got to see). I have no faith it’ll work the same way this time.
  2. Actually I misspoke on year 2, the method does not vary (an election is always required as opposed to the Senate where the governor appoints someone) but there may or may not be a special election depending on how much time there is until the next general election.
  3. Year 1: Special election Year 2: Varies by state, not sure what the law in NY is. Year 1 is the more likely to happen in this case, though.
  4. I don’t know that we’re ready for a Senate with both Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney in it. The uncanny valley is far too wide to traverse...
  5. Hmmmmm. Bagpipes? Flatfoot dancing? Serial killer?
  6. This is rather reminiscent of the “butterfly ballots” that caused all the olds in FL to vote for Buchanan in 2000, thus putting you-know-who in the White House. All sorts of f***ery required to keep them in business, been going on for years.
  7. True, but if recent history is to be any guide, always prepare for the worst. You’ll only ever be pleasantly surprised.
  8. Democrats now projected to take the House. GOP keeps the Senate.
  9. This is a bit on the nose...
  10. Might as well start a thread. Polls closed here in Virginia at 7. At 7:00:01 Tim Kaine announced to have held his US Senate seat against neoconfederate Corey Stewart. Good start. Tonight should be interesting...
  11. Wait, wait wait. The Jets signed Kulikov for HOW MUCH? (checks CapFriendly, spits drink out...). Ouch...
  12. Typical of our current administration. From a humanitarian standpoint, good. But the implications of this, especially as it is being viewed by those it is aimed at... we're in trouble. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/verabergengruen/migrant-caravan-trump-tough-talk-reality?__twitter_impression=true
  13. Tim Graham's Twitter Stanning for Peterman tonight has been... ill-advised and unpleasant. Look it up if you must, not linking to it. Seriously dude, just admit he's the absolute worst. Everyone but you and ClapClap sees it...
  14. True, they're tied on points (Leeds won today though) but Norwich are still second on goal difference, which @pi2000 will tell you, is the best way to separate teams...
  15. That didn't last long...
  16. Southampton are going to be lucky not to have ten dropped on them by the end of this game against Man City. How does Mark Hughes keep getting jobs?
  17. While bummed to have missed the Sabres yesterday, I did get to watch Arsenal-Liverpool. Absolute battle of heavyweights. Fantastic game for a 1-1, I haven't felt this good about where Arsenal are in a decade. Unfortunately, Man City and all the financial cheating probably make this irrelevant, but still, there's hope.
  18. Looks like i picked a fine Saturday afternoon to have social obligations. Oh well, the replay shall be enjoyable.
  19. The 873-0 against the Phylers in 2001. That was a fun afternoon.
  20. And also betting heavily on them getting here illegally so we can take full advantage of that and them...
  21. Because he's been betting against US manufacturing the entire time, as dictated by his creditors in Russia and China..
  22. Apples don't fall far from trees...
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