I agree generally that this is something JBotts is working on now, but as there are so many shoes that need to drop first and so much that is uncertain, looking at the roster today and projecting out an expansion draft list from our point of view now seems a bit like a futile exercise.
They did and do (with the exception of that weird period from 1982-1985 where the bamd was just Robert Smith and all sorts of psychedelic drugs) but the pop singles that get tossed off are what gets attention.
And as far as your larger point, fair enough.
Which is where the self-awareness comes in. That team can't have been stupid to the fact that they were there to suck. I get that they had pride and did thier best, but any representative of a business in the field of entertainment telling the paying customers they're doing it wrong need to look inward.
It would have been more credible had he: 1. Not been the singular reason that game turned out like it did and 2. Had an ounce of self-awareness at any point.
I can not wait for this Arizona franchise to be relocated and/or contracted. I understand that this is entirely a me issue, but thank you for your understanding in this dark time.
I can’t help but notice that more and more teams (including tonight’s opponents) are absolutely systemically implementing basketball picks pretty much all over the ice and getting away with it freely. Something’s gotta be done, it’s maddening.