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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I swear by all that is holy, the ROR love-train both on this board and in the media at large is making me actively want the bruins to win. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must be off to engage in several hours of vigorous self-flagellaton.
  2. Feudalism: not just for Libertarians anymore...
  3. Obligatory reminder that “the economy” in no way explains the experience of the average citizen. Which, of course, is about to get a whole lot worse. And it was bad to begin with.
  4. We don’t and keep both in a perfect world. But having to make Sophie’s choice I’d take Skinner, is all. (Hoping it doesn’t come to that)
  5. But Skinner puts the puck in the net. He’ll be strapped to Jack and get fed like a hippo in a zoo. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating an either/or thing here, Skinner next to Jack plus Sam beneath with (insert competent hockey players here) is a good thing.
  6. No doubt, but Skinner puts the puck in the net. Sam is good and on a team put together by a competent GM (JBOT gets a pass until now) is a second line horror-show for opposing teams, but still... Skinner puts the puck in the net.
  7. But he’s not as good at the thing that wins hockey games.
  8. My favorite Jack Edwards fact is that ESPN fired him from doing US National Team soccer games for the US audience for being a ridiculous homer. Don’t think about it too hard, it’ll shatter your mind.
  9. Posting this article as food for thought. The number of people who effectively decided the 2106 presidential election could fit into the football stadium in Ann Arbor. The abject cowardice of the Dems is going to give us Trump again, because they steadfastly refuse to take bold or any other sort of action, when the goal is so clearly within reach if they'd just close ranks and get kids to the damn polls. Even with the candidate they chose last time and the shenanigans from (certain quarters of) DOJ, it was that close. Just put out a product people want to buy. Hillary, frankly, ran to the right of Nixon and I think that ultimately doomed her. I might be, in a moment of madness, hilariously optimistic about that, I dunno. Still. Trump's voters will vote for him, out of either rabid fanaticism or shrugging self-interest. Give us an alternative possessed of qualities other than being not Trump, and we'll see what happens. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/swing-state-margins/
  10. I worded that poorly. I don’t think there’s a money tree out there they’re missing, but just suggesting there’s more to be gained from actually operating the league and marketing it correctly (sell tickets etc., get a better tv deal involving networks you don’t need a Sherpa to find in the channel listings, go to the Olympics or, failing that, work with the IIHF to put a real World Cup on... that sort of thing) than there is attempting to wring more and more out of the players. They pretty much set the bar at 50/50. Go forward from there.
  11. Fehr or not, ownership is utterly devoid of good faith and will, again, cut their collective noses off to spite their collective faces, forfeiting legitimate avenues to increase revenues because they have a hard-on for smiting the PA. They'll let the PA opt out and pretend they're the good guys, and crash the business into the ground yet again so they can feel like they got a win after we lose at least half a season. Wash, rinse, repeat. It hasn't happened yet and I'm already angry about it. Ugh.
  12. Me, being reminded that happened...
  13. The very suggestion that the neckbeards are capable of skinny jeans makes me think you're (like me) one of the olds... but otherwise I agree.
  14. I mean, honestly...
  15. https://www.mlb.com/news/yoenis-cespedes-suffers-ankle-fractures-on-ranch I swear, the winning bid that got the Mets put in MLB as an expansion franchise was written with a ***** cursed monkey’s paw...
  16. Another one. I'd be willing to bet the NHL is up to something.
  17. Gonna go out on a limb here and say... yes. Yes it was.
  18. I started laughing out loud when I initially saw it, my GF demanded to know what was so funny, so I handed her my phone after attempting a caveat. WT actual F??? Was pretty much precisely her reply.
  19. This is the problem. Keefe gets tarred (by some) with the David Frost brush, but there’s really no evidence he was ever anything other than a victim, like all the other kids. Just google Mike Danton. The reddit thread posted buried the lede on this, he was the young Jefferson kid mentioned briefly (later changed his name). The whole story is wild. To blame the literal children Frost took advantage of misses the mark entirely.
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