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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. “Antifa” ? Jeebus.
  2. Yeah, clearly the idea. We are definitely living in interesting times. In the blackest possible Chinese-curse version of that term.
  3. Funny how literally every price of video documentation I’ve seen of property damage during this (not saying I’ve seen all documentation of property damage) shows white folks in masks, some in (hilariously misapplied) tactical gear... Funny, that.
  4. I wouldn't put it past them to actually hire Peter Chiarelli at this point.
  5. So, and you'd be forgiven for not knowing as the MSM can't tear themselves away from giving Elon Musk all the free advertising he wants for that thing that didn't happen today, but Minneapolis (at least a significant chunk of the city) is in chaos right now. Anti-cop protests in the wake of the latest death in custody mixed with far right chaos agents who just want to fight the cops/start something big and bad. National Guard called in. Stuff starting up in LA, Memphis, and probably others, but those two places for sure. This is going to go downhill fast. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda terrified to see where this ends up.
  6. There is, IMHO, a better than 50% chance there won't be one anyway, but just in case, yes. Absolutely there should.
  7. Not wishing to speak for anyone else, but at this point I'm just here for the Clash-related banter with @New Scotland (NS) and whatever other message board fellowship may be obtained. The actual hockey seems, all things considered, a relic of the world in the long distant (Three months ago but it feels like forever) past which may be best left there, all things considered. I'm almost terrified of what fresh hell PSE can come up with next, given all sorts of time to work feverishly (pun sort of intended but it might be too soon, so sorry) toward, er, actually as far away from as fast as possible, their goal.
  8. First bolded: How dare you, Sir? Second bolded: This is not that kind of forum my friend. You're looking for Penthouse...
  9. I wear my bank robber mask at work... which is hilarious if you think about what I do for a living... Please, no comments on my do-it-yourself hairdo... still gonna be awhile before I’m in the barbershop.
  10. No, in Virginia. Kinda left that out, my bad.
  11. random answer to your question @Eleven: Effective 7/1/2020 simple possession of marijuana is now subject to a civil penalty of no more than $50. More importantly, and I do not understand why this hasn't gotten more attention (other than, you know, the world being on fire), all marijuana derivatives (hash oil and whatnot) have been scrubbed from Schedule I under the drug control act.
  12. Which reminds me, pedantry at its funniest...
  13. Hey, she started it when she purrloined my stupid earbud.
  14. There needs to be an additional term for when you inexplicably only have one of them and no clue where the other one went. I'm blaming the cat, but can find no trace of it.
  15. I can tell you from professional experience that the number of 58 year old white guys driving around loaded and packing is rather higher than you'd think.
  16. I think you’re thinking of a game the season before, May was in Vancouver and Plante still a Sabre.
  17. The Third Man. Orson Welles was good at movies.
  18. Which is entirely the point. “Save your Children” would have sold a lot better than “Save the Whales” from the beginning. But oh well.
  19. Hmmmmmm. Never quite made it through season one, though I don’t remember why not. Might have to start this one up again. Scorsese crapping all over Marvel movies (with some justification) when he himself made Goodfellas and Casino within three years of each other and then absolutely could not help himself and dove back in for WoWS and The Irishman (some points awarded for casting decisions made in WoWS, though who among us wouldn’t have paid double to see Pesci and DeNero in the lead roles there) later on is just delicious.
  20. We're not actually ruining the planet though. Eventually we'll tip the scales too far (actually, an argument can be made it's already happened, but that's above my pay grade) and wipe ourselves out. Give the earth a few million years and nobody will ever know we were here. What we're destroying is ourselves. Dooming our children and their children to an ever-worsening situation until some relatively small number of generations later the end of human existence arrives and mom cleans up after us. All so a few can roll around in money they won't get to take with them. Seems kinda ridiculous if you ask me, but nobody did, so YMMV.
  21. Dying laughing right now...
  22. I remember that time he had a conversation with Curt Schilling. He was fine...
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