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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. It did provide us with that priceless moment where we got to watch Ray's face as he covered his mic while Lindy and Bryan Murray loudly traded very rude statements in the aftermath of Neil on Drury... Hard to fathom that was almost nine years ago.
  2. So, Roanoke, VA is getting a hockey team back. Southern Hockey League. This, in and of itself, is awesome, since the only hockey we have to watch live at present is Virginia Tech club hockey. Hockey, is my point. Making it more awesome are the majority owners bringing the franchise in, one Bob McGinn and his three hockey playing sons; Brock, Tye, and yes, indeed the Sabres' own Jamie. Small world and whatnot. http://www.roanoke.com/opinion/editorials/our-view-how-roanoke-got-hockey-back/article_bb4170f3-77ae-5b58-bb83-86320095c7bd.html
  3. At the cost of a second-round pick, no less. What in the world? Maybe his act plays better in Cbus, but I highly doubt it.
  4. That there has been progress is not really up for debate. Yet, I'm still seeing Joe McGrath style "WE'RE LOSING!!!!" freak outs. Not limited to here and not calling anyone out. It's been five games. Game five was tons better than game one. It'll come together.
  5. I've wondered if the merciful end of the tank and the arrival of Eichel, Kane, O'Riley et. al. might just lead to fan meltdown when the team didn't turn into the '87 Oilers immediately. The team is so, so much better than it's been. Baby steps. If we're still looking at 1.8 goals per game come the spring then I think it'll be worth asking some pointed questions. I do not for one second think it'll come to that.
  6. I am deathly afraid, no matter how this season ends, that the Mets (or someone else) are going to pay Daniel Murphy an ungodly amount of money, and he'll go back to being a one-man Keystone Kops routine immediately thereafter. Definitely enjoying his contribution now, though.
  7. Bonus points for Apple TV and connected iOS devices; GCL on the iPad puts the replay up immediately (albeit with commercials, but there's a fast forward button for a reason) so no waiting for the upload of the edited version, same picutre quality. Found out GCL is no longer supported by my Sony Blu-Ray player though. So no games in the bedroom for me. Wait, that's terrible...
  8. I actually had to turn the Edmonton game off upon hearing the Sportsnet crew have to excuse themselves to change their drawers when McDavid appeared to make some effort to get back on defense at one point in the second period. I think the words "there's the greatness of McDavid" were actually uttered. I mean for the love of god or whatever... And don't get me wrong, if anyone had started that crap about Eichel I'd be vomiting in my mouth just as much... (Except for the goal. You know, THAT goal). I haven't heard RJ or anyone else do it though, which is nice...
  9. There was also that time he tried to kill Paul Ranger https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1ol9rGGxV4U
  10. Awfully fond of the cheap shot. In particular, he steamrolled Sekera from behind while with the Devils, maybe 4-5 years ago? Promptly turtled on McCormick as well in the aftermath IIRC. Garbage player. Didn't like it when he wore the Sabres sweater either. Could skate in a straight line like the wind, though. I'll say one positive thing.
  11. Eric Boulton signs for another year on the Island. Garth Snow had me worried there for a second, thought he'd lost his mind and become throughly competent... http://www.cbssports.com/fantasy/hockey/news/islanders-eric-boulton-agrees-to-one-year-deal-with-isles/ Side note, and this probably deserves to be a thread for July when everyone's dying of boredom, but he is probably one of my least-favorite former Sabres players ever. Nobody will ever top Gilmour on that scale for me, but Boulton's up there. How has he possibly lasted this long in this league?
  12. Welp. Games 3 and 4 will be quite interesting. Also, exactly what mind-altering substance is Cal Ripken on, and where do I get some?
  13. How this game is not being played under protest I will never understand. You have to touch the base to be safe. Christ.
  14. Against Ottawa it was quite evident that everyone was squeezing the stick a bit too tight for the first two periods. Then they clawed themselves back in. Again today, while the overall effort was much improved, I get the feeling that everyone, with the notable exception of Kane, was far more concerned with making sure they were finding themselves where they were supposed to be and thinking defense first (not always successfully), as opposed to actually attempting to make something happen. Baby steps are necessary, I'm afraid. The overall product looked much more solid today, I certianly hope it clicks going forward. I'm prepared to see a few more games like this though, in the meantime.
  15. Overall I think that was a much better 60 minutes than Ottawa. Tampa Bay is a much, much tougher opponent than Ottawa. It was always going to be hard going to start off, new coach, 2/3 of a new roster, the number one goalie lasted three minutes before hurting himself. Give it time...
  16. Mike Commodore sticking the boot into Babcock. This is sad and/or funny. I can't decide. https://twitter.com/commie22
  17. Once the goals start coming in larger bunches, LMCMT will reach Chelsea Dagger levels of obnoxious for fans of 29 other teams. I think it's perfect.
  18. That is NHL '94 caliber bananas. I like it.
  19. Alternately, I'd be worried if I were a Habs fan. They won't play Toronto every night, better teams are going to make much more hay with Therien's "let's just let Price worry about it" strategy.
  20. Now he looks like the love child of Eddie Haskell and Oogie Oglethorpe...
  21. Wasn't there some sort of thing with Rob Ray, Ken Sutton, and a drug dealer in the early 90's? Can't quite remember specifics, other than neither of them were ever implicated in anything indictable... Still shady.
  22. Even if he winds up as the "13th forward" I have to think he'll see a good deal of ice time through injuries to others, maintenance days for Eichel / Reinhart, other unforeseen circumstances. In a way his versatility works against him on paper, but he's likely to find himself dressed a significant portion of the time because of it as well. Nice asset to have.
  23. D'oh. I was in the store last night and almost picked some up, but went with something else instead. Shall have to remedy that on my next trip...
  24. In the sense that the rule change itself was unreasoned and capricious, I'd argue that it is. Wrong choice of word by me though, fair enough.
  25. Thanks for the lack of a warning on that one, 11. Now I have to clean up the coffee i just spit everywhere. You're right though, that is awesome.
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