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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I'm amazed one or both D didn't put themselves right through the wall they were backing off so hard there...
  2. Skinner needs to finish there. The literal reason he exists is to score that. Well done by Tage to burn the Dman....
  3. It's amazing, absolutely AMAZING, what competent goaltending does for a team....
  4. Dahlin just coasting in and shooting the puck in the net on that goal....SMH....
  5. In fairness, I'd have at least a few goals and/or assists if I got to skate with Crosby as much as Erod does.
  6. They’ve been posting some…things… on social media.
  7. Yeah, the replay they showed going to commercial… high. But what do I know?
  8. Short answer: No. long answer: noooooooooooooo.
  9. Welp. Answers that, then.
  10. I listened to this, even though Hamilton and Harrington together are an ouroborus of idiocy and self-importance so dense I’m astounded sound waves escaped at all, much less into a microphone. Peters is either 1. Very, very stupid or 2. (More likely) playing devils advocate for the sake of it here. Nobody. Nobody at all. Even people who haven’t watched a game and don’t know what hockey is… NOBODY… is saying the defense and defensive play overall isn’t a problem. But goaltendong is so obviously the one single problem, according to absolutely every available metric, pulling this team down from mediocrity to laughing stock. It’s stark, black and white, there for everyone to read. I don’t care if Dahlin has coughed the puck up a bunch. Yea, he needs to be better. No, he’s objectively not as bad and the “eye test” everyone applies to him, which I’m convinced is just watching highlights go ya of the goals scored against and determining if her was on the ice either at the time or up to three minutes beforehand… ugh.
  11. How is Benning still there to hire another coach? If that’s what’s happening, of course…
  12. this team is bad. The Goalies are making it much, much worse than it has to be. Anyone looking at the numbers recognizes this. I’m sure Adams, everyone in the hockey department, and TPegs if they can wake him up, will admit to understanding this as well. Yes, there are other problems. But the main problem on this team right now, above and beyond and almost excluding all others, is goaltending. Full stop.
  13. I’m 99% sure Alex Tuch is going to be the next captain… but for now, let’s all just enjoy Tage blooming into an honest to god good player.
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