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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I suppose we shall see. For now we're just exposing her to as much as we can before school starts for real in the fall and time becomes more and more scarce. if she shows any great interest in one sport / activity as opposed to another, then we'll take it more seriously. Of course, my wife and I both have our barely concealed preferences / agendas... But we agree it's important to find her something she'll want to go all in on. And that she goes outside and or engages in healthy physical activity.
  2. Took my four year old daughter to our local indoor rock climbing gym for the first time this weekend. She was hesitant, I'd imagine it's intimidating. After watching me embarrass myself a few times she was ready to go. Kind of amazing watching her attack that wall, and watching her confidence grow as she went along. Side note, my entire body is still sore...
  3. I'm not saying that Stamkos needs to be brought into Bufflalo to play wing for Eichel so he can finish all his nice passes. (Would be nice, but still). Bottom line, if I'm GMTM, I go to Stamkos' people and say: "You know, we've got an awful lot of centers with tons of skill. Maybe Steve would like to be part of that? You know, on the wing, dining on all the great feeds he's likely to get over the course of this exorbitant in both term and dollars contract? He says he'd rather play center, well then. But it could be beautiful... I mean, goals. Actual pucks across the mothering line goals...
  4. Not only is Jack a pass-first player, but how many of us remember early this past season where games were lost because his passes went for naught because his line mates, and the team in general really, demonstrated all the finishing ability of Sara Winchester's general contractor? Stamkos may not be Ovechkin, but Stamkos is an elite offensive (goal scoring) talent looking really likely to hit the market. An addition for no cost other than cash. Better than any other such player to do so in some time. Given the Sabres cap situation at present and for the foreseeable future, If the tires are not at least kicked I'd be disappointed.
  5. Which reminds me, Ballast Point is setting up shop in my neck of the woods within the next 12-18 months. This on the back of the Deschutes news, will be doing neither my wallet nor liver any good whatsoever. I've seen the Habanero Sculpin, and am squarely on the fence. Reading your write up I just may have to give it a go...
  6. Random James Hetfield sighting.
  7. Sad news indeed. One of my favorite bands. Much like hockey itself, felt like a secret gem that we in WNY enjoyed while most of the rest of the US was oblivious to its greatness. Last saw them live in April 2007 in Cleveland. Sabres-Rangers playoff series was going on, and At least half the crowd was in blue and gold. Great night.
  8. Note to St. Louis: You see number 8 in white? Maybe don't let him stand in front of the net all alone for as long as he likes...
  9. It has to be a sick feeling as a goalie to make an absolute circus save, only have the rest of your team stand still and watch the rebound get put in. Instead of, you know, trying to do something about it.
  10. Forgive me for the totally original thought that nobody ever, especially on this board, has ever had... Coach's challenges on offsides are just the worst...
  11. Perhaps I did not state this correctly. My main problem is that, Glendale's behavior aside, the Coyotes and the NHL are treated like innocent victims in media coverage of this. There is certainly information indicating that Glendale may well have a firm leg to stand on. That being the case, one would think that the question of what exactly went on would be raised. Instead we get "Glendale be Crazy!" I'm definitely glad I don't live and pay taxes there, and perhaps even my suggestion that maybe they're doing the least wrong thing is giving them entirely too much credit. I have to wonder why more questions aren't being asked of the other side though.
  12. Absolutely blatant football tackle by Dumoulin to prevent a Tampa 2 on 1 right before the inevitable Crosby goal. Sigh.
  13. Sorry, making the transition to night shift and not as with it as I normally am (you decide how with it that is). Not exactly my point, but ancillary to it; much like Darcy he clung hard to a rotten core for far too long. McDavid or no, they're likely still a year behind the Sabres.
  14. Exactly my point...
  15. That's Darcy Regier talk, Flagg... GMTM, he of the ZFG.... Would do it in a heartbeat if he thought it was worth it. Besides, I've watched a dithering GM hose the Sabres from within on the receiving end of an offer sheet already. Identify the target and do what it takes to get it done. No evidence in Murrary's tenure to suggest anything else will happen. no evidence that the above mentioned raid on Colorado is what he has in mind though...
  16. Dan Lambert named HC of the Amerks. Who did what with Cunneyworth? http://www.amerks.com/article/DAN%20LAMBERT%20NAMED%20HEAD%20COACH%20OF%20THE%20ROCHESTER%20AMERICANS
  17. Reason # 5327 why I am now and forever several hundred miles south of WNY. It snowed during my little sister's (outdoor) graduation ceremony at Geneso Memorial Day weekend 2004. Not much, just enough to make life miserable. No thanks.
  18. In all honesty, you're about three millimeters removed from: "I know you are, but what am I?" with that one.
  19. Calling it "Weaseling" dismisses the obvious legal and ethical questions raised by the behavior of the Coyotes and the attorney in question out of hand. I don't think it's fair to do that. Nor, not knowing what the impact of the questioned behavior was, can we fairly assume the Coyotes are right and this was indeed done "in good faith." The statute mentioned above exists for a reason.
  20. From what I can gather he was on the books for both at the same time for about 6 months... Also worth noting, it can be argued that losing / settling a lawsuit now will cost the city less money than actually honoring the contract.
  21. Glendale's argument, which has a good deal of merit, is that they had the right to void the lease under AZ law regarding conflicts of interest in public contracts, as the city attorney who negotiated on behalf of the city was hired by the Coyotes 15 minutes later. Not a good look, at the very least.
  22. I'm not entirely sure (okay, I know exactly why, but still) why Glendale is cast as the bad guy in this. A prior administration made an insanely bad deal, and now they're getting dumped on for having the temerity to refuse to bend over when told. Now, the goofiness of the way this has been handled, with the live streamed council meetings chock full of morons making loud noises is not a good look, but still. Tax dollars have no place in the pockets of sports franchises, directly or indirectly. I thought after the abject calamity with the baseball stadium in Miami a few years ago we'd all be aware of this.
  24. I dare say the Sharkies are up for this...
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