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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Good win. Enjoy it, boys. The next round's gonna be a bit harder...
  2. God, Ecuador is just so damned dirty.... Of course, I was just thinking that assuming the US hangs on to this it matters not one bit since everyone is suspended and Argentina will destroy them in any event. Still, fun game tonight.
  3. Welp, nice goal courtesy of a stupidly conceded free kick. This'll be an interesting finish.... Oh dear Zombie Jeebus. How is that not 2-2?
  4. I would expect the Ecuadorian shithousing to increase exponentially the closer we get to 90 minutes...
  5. That was incredibly dumb by Jones. Ugh.
  6. Did I mention Antonio Valencia is like Pat Kaleta and Tonya Harding had a kid who grew up to play soccer?
  7. The US should be up about three by now. Antonio Valencia is still a scumbag. Some world class low-key cheap shots being dished out by Ecuador already. This has been fun so far. I no longer preemptively regret my decision to watch...
  8. Against my own better judgment, staying up to watch USA v Ecuador in the Copa America quarterfinal tonight. This tournament in general has been a massive shower of . I'm expecting no better now... But am open to being pleasantly surprised...
  9. That's alright, Damien Cox retweeted it without comment, waited awhile, and casually mentioned it's five years old. Given his recent Twitter indiscretion, I'd say he needs to put the phone away for awhile. Unless the whole thing was a super meta joke / self-parody, in which case well-played. I doubt highly it's the second thing though.
  10. At least we no longer have a hole at center.... I'll get my coat.
  11. I distinctly remember Darcy flipping Atlanta a 345th (may not be entirely accurate) round draft pick in exchange for a promise not to take Dixon Ward in the expansion draft. I'm sure this happened...
  12. It's been rather throughly shown that he certainly had nothing whatsoever to do with al-qadea (I'll spell it right someday). Did he, in his efforts to continue screwing the Shia over, perhaps deal with some Sunni whack jobs? Sure. But it was likely self-serving keep-me-in-power stuff. Unsavory to be sure, but he was not the threat to America that we later created in disposing of him, no.
  13. The Iraqi passport was one of the several he had on him, and he wasn't in Iraq for very long, as he was unsuccessfully attempting to assassinate Bhutto in Pakistan less than three months later.
  14. But effective only in (partially) cleaning up the mess made by all prior Bush Administration policy and initiatives up to that date. Honestly, the longer this goes, the better Saddam Hussein looks in retrospect. Brutal murderous psychopath, absolutely. He did, however, manage to keep the sectarian nonsense to a minimum. Any suggestion that he and Bin Laden et. al. had anything to do with each other is stemming BS, and everyone in a position to know certainly did the entire time. The sales job to the American public, added and abetted by a docile media and others looking to pile on and make a buck, was monstrous when we now consider the cost all these years later. I am not Obama's biggest fan either, but he's neither blind to what's going on nor complicit in the evil acts of pirates and madmen, which more accurately describes who exactly we're dealing with.
  15. Assuming, arguendo, that the above statement is true, it rather glosses over where things went between 2000 and 2008. More specifically, 2003 and 2008...
  16. Summer school, huh?
  17. Doug Gilmour was a model professional while he was a Sabre.
  18. 1000x this. From my own bitter personal experience, I'll chase a soccer ball for hours on end. Put me on a trail and tell me I'm running a certain distance and it never ends well. My wife runs marathons, I cry like Nancy Kerrigan after about two miles. All in my head. Working on it, but still, good on you for making forward progress.
  19. The league is suing to void the arbitrator's decision in the Dennis WIdeman case. link. I'm struggling with this one. On the one hand, no party involved in this situation came out of this looking good to begin with. On the other hand, the NHL, in suing to void the decision of its own hand-picked "neutral" arbitrator, seems bound and determined to wear the largest black hat it can find. I can not for the life of me, other than to make an attempt to take the NHLPA down another peg, even see the point of this. I'm no expert in employment law or third-party arbitration, but I can't imagine this is going to fly.
  20. Unfortunately, no. It's a race to the absolute bottom.
  21. It really is insidious. Just another spoke in the ever spinning wheel that diverts tax dollars into the pockets of the already wealthy. After Jeffery Loria took Miami to the cleaners over the monstrosity of a baseball stadium they built in Miami, the well-known boondoggle in Glendale, and on and on... I struggle to comprehend how this can keep happening. But it does, and it will. The deadspin article quoted above asks if this can be a wake up call. Doubt it. The turkeys will continue to vote for Thanksgiving. Have the benefits to the various communities involved ever outweighed the costs?
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