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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. See, I'm at work for one friggin' hour and stuff happens. I meant it earlier when I said Arizona should be contracted immediately if they trade for Datsuk's dead contract. At least put them in Quebec right effing now.... Disgusting.
  2. They'll Edmonton this somehow... Still doesn't really address any of the issues actually keeping them from being good in the short to medium term...
  3. Adding that to the idea that somehow, after leaving the EU and negotiating from a position of weakness, the U.K. would be able to swing more favorable trade deals With the EU... the sheer blinkered insanity of this situation is almost too much to comprehend.
  4. It's just theater...
  5. I don't know how closely you watched what happened, but the debate, as it existed in the back and forth between the two camps and their outreach to the public, was in no way nuanced. At all. Not even a little bit. You can fairly say that the causes of the discontent expressed by the working classes are many and multifaceted, but tell me how leaving the EU makes anything better for anybody in Britian? Other than corporations looking to skirt EU regulations, which is all this was ever really about. Patriotism is truly the last refuge of the scoundrel.
  6. OH MY GOD SOMEBODY TRADE SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE. Sorry.... Should have gone to bed.
  7. Nah, it'll come up again.
  8. I've also read recently, I forget where so no idea how credible things are, that Min. would absolutely love to get rid of Pomminstein as well. Kinda double-sad, remembering as I do those incredible cusp runs...
  9. I'll be working in the other place one is likely to end up after too many shots and/or beers. Depending upon how well behaved the local citizenry are I'll either have all night or just most of all night to hash over whatever happens. Who am I kidding? Sleep.... Heh. Making coffee now.
  10. Working night shift, should probably go to bed; but I have this irrational fear that if I do the Sabres are going to do something substantial and then my phone will blow up. Given how quiet it's been, this may be irrational indeed. What say you, Sabrespace? Should I pack it in or make coffee?
  11. Just saw The Cure Wednesday. Epic.
  12. They will also be having another referendum on independence ASAP from the sounds of things. This one will fly through. So, in a completely ironic way, Trump is on to something. That he has no idea what that something is should be no surprise.
  13. The British pound has lost something like 25% of its value in the past 3 hours (Asian markets). The dollar is set to do the same today. This means economic chaos. Congrats, UK: you went full 'Merica! Enjoy paying for that. Thanks also for making sure the fire spreads as you burn your own house down. They'll have to dissolve parliament now, wNt an absolute cluster. Let this also be a lesson to us, Trump could win. This is the equivalent. God or whatever help us.
  14. The league designated charity does quite well with the proceeds from his fines. Other than that I got nothing.
  15. I saw a photo of Spain's abhorrent second kit somewhere online the other day. It was early, my mind wasn't quite moving as quickly as it should have been and I had no context. I legitimately spent five seconds thinking there had been some sort of disaster at the game and every Spain player was covered in blood. Not a good look.
  16. He plays for Wigan in the English Championship (2nd division). The song originated there, and for reasons I can not fathom has been a bit of a pop culture phenomenon in the UK. To the point where it's been recorded by actual musicians and is, or at least has been, charting on iTunes. I have to imagine the Northern Ireland fans are being a bit ironic...
  17. He's actually already doing this with what money he has now... Donald Trump's Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-campaign-payments_us_5768a69ee4b0853f8bf1fe2d
  18. He had two options. Either charge out as hard as he could and take the ball/man/whatever, or stay on his damn line to prevent exactly what happened when he aimlessly wandered out with no real purpose and got chipped. Bonus points to Kyle Beckerman for ball watching with impunity as well. If this game doesn't end 5-0 and the US actually at some point manages to string three passes together I'll be amazed.
  19. This one's gonna hurt... I mean honestly. Brad Guzan.... Ugh.
  20. Assuming his clavicles hold up...
  21. I think I may have to make the trip down to Raleigh for at least one of these...
  22. The only other possibility that doesn't involve gross incompetence or outright bald-faced lying on at least one party's part would be GMTM doing a Bill Clinton-esque parsing of verb tenses when he says "We don't have anybody on an NMC.... [Now]". I find this unlikely given the context in which he has appeared to say this.
  23. I've been staring at the CBA for half an hour now (Thanks, slow day at the office!) I have no clue how the NHLPA thinks there's an enforceable NMC unless the Sabres agreed to in in writing; and you'd think GMTM would have a recollection of doing that. Pasting the Relevant language (I'm sure it's upthread but whatever): 11.8 Individually Negotiated Limitations on Player Movement. (a) The SPC of any Player who is a Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agent under Article 10.1(a) may contain a no-Trade or a no-move clause. SPCs containing a no-Trade or a no-move clause may be entered into prior to the time that the Player is a Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agent so long as the SPC containing the no-Trade or no-move clause extends through and does not become effective until the time that the Player qualifies for Group 3 Unrestricted Free Agency. If the Player is Traded or claimed on Waivers prior to the no-Trade or no-move clause taking effect, the clause does not bind the acquiring Club. An acquiring Club may agree to continue to be bound by the no-Trade or no-move clause, which agreement shall be evidenced in writing to the Player, Central Registry and the NHLPA, in accordance with Exhibit 3 hereof.
  24. Not sure about that, but you just reminded me that I have about 50 of them on a shelf in my garage. You know, just in case...
  25. If Arizona, given all the crap floating around that franchise right now, tries to trade for his dead cap hit, the League should immediately void the trade and contract the franchise. Related note: Nick Costonika tweeted a bit ago that Ken Holland is saying that Datsyuk signed his contract with no knowledge of rules regarding the penalty the team faces if he bolts early. This is mind-blowing on so many levels... It definitely has to have been explained to him at some point,and he still doesn't care (nor, really, is he required to I suppose). No idea why Holland is trying to jump on that grenade for the guy, he tossed it himself in many respects.
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