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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. So the media consensus seems to be that JV will probably at some point sign with somebody. This board is doing better than that. Faint praise, to be sure....
  2. I loved Denis Hamel. For reasons I can not fathom now.
  3. Much different situations. Thanks to DR's cap management the Sabres were able to stay horrible and well above the cap floor. Arizona is, near as I can tell, wondering why they draw 12 fans per game while "paying" Chris Pronger and Pavel Datsuyk well north of ten million dollars to "play hockey" this season.
  4. Nope, don't pay him, and more importantly from their point of view, don't have to pay anybody the 5.5 million. Along with the the 47 other players they're not paying but are counting against the cap. Gotta get to the floor somehow... Absolute disgrace.
  5. You, and others, seem to be conflating having earned the "right" to purchase something with having the money to purchase something. The former doesn't exist outside the parameters of the latter. Stop it.
  6. Rivet is very much "Captain Old School." Personality is a sin. I was at the Sabres game in Columbus in 2011, after he was traded there. Rivet got 5 and a game for trying to shove his stick sideways down Ennis' throat. Seemingly out of nowhere. Wonder what the story behind that was...
  7. WildCard, if you don't change now, this is your future...
  8. The make your own six pack thing raises a problem for me. A-holes, at more than one of my local markets, tend to expand what goes in them well beyond the clearly marked bounds of the loose bottles there for that purpose and raid sixes off the shelves, and worse. My wife came home with a 12 once, two missing. Often you'll find five or fewer beers to a six on the shelves. This has to be a pain for the store and the beverage distributor, since both are likely required to keep track of where these things go.... It's a brilliant idea, just wish people didn't suck so hard.
  9. My guess would be a bigger opportunity for a huge second contract, all things going well, since it'll be him and about two other guys who know which end of the stick to hold up front. At least from the looks of things now.
  10. I can't unpack this one fully. Punch out, Maverick.
  11. STI rates at senior living facilities are near epidemic levels... I kid you not.
  12. Where do you think Brooklyn is?
  13. If it makes you feel any better, Kurt Cobain was still alive when I did it...
  14. I'd laugh, but then I thought about it and realized that I owned and wore nothing but 57 oversized flannel shirts and doc martens for high school and pretty much all of college. So every generation is going to have a thing, let's not be overly critical of the children.
  15. Bruins, top 6, 10-15. Because of reasons.
  16. Vesey fatigue has well and truly set in.
  17. And just think about it, if he really stretches this to Saturday we'll have a full three more days....
  18. Of course, it would be the "Daily Heil" being outraged about others (literally tens of pissed off 15 year olds) being outraged about something that's not altogether outrageous. Meh.
  19. Thanks for reducing this entire thread into one post.
  20. You're right. I had it backwards in my head for some reason. Actually enhances my point...
  21. If I may expound further, having thought about it a bit. The GOP half-assed their response during Bill's first term, giving us the ongoing Clinton witch hunt and Bob Dole. After Dole was cast aside contemptuosuly, stakes were raised on all fronts, hence the laughable "Contract with America", the pointless impeachment, and the even darker developments leading us into eight interminable years of Bush and, more importantly, those who pulled his strings...
  22. Perhaps the greatest Republican president after Lincoln...
  23. I have a theory. When Bill Clinton so effectively co-opted the Republican agenda in 92, the GOP found itself at a crossroads. Either prove that they could do it better, or retreat hard to the right. We all know what they chose. We're all living with the consequences.
  24. Can I ask a question of everyone here? I'm being dead serious. Just what is it either about Hillary Clinton or what she (supported by fact) has done that elicits the negative response form a good many of you (and America)? I don't like her all that much myself because she's slightly to the right of Nixon, but I get the feeling that there's something much more visceral going on, and short of Fox News slurs and so on, I don't get it. And I want to.
  25. I've always thought that the ACA was, as Neo posits, the first step towards a single-payer system by design. It can't work, in the long term, in and of itself. It remains to be seen if it'll actually play out, however. People don't like the gubment. Then they elect people who also don't like gubment into the gubment. Those representatives then work tirelessly to prove themselves right. In all aspects, we get exactly what we deserve. Such is the failing of democracy. Still better than anything anyone else has come up with, so long as a substantial portion of the populace manages to lift their heads from their navel for long enough.
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