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Everything posted by Sabel79
Heh. I got JJ's.
That's either a wrestling reference I don't get or the most existential thing I've heard in awhile.
Also, they've gone more or less all in on professional wrestling. Um, no thanks.
I don't think GoDD is/was Lambert, but it's a fun wacky conspiracy theory.
I think it has more to do with one particular blog contributor's ongoing hate- for Risto. Been gong on for awhile, it's bordering on weird.
In 79land, it was inexplicably 70 degrees today. Almost chilly.... Heh. Still, Eleven, move.
Okay, fine. I hate 33% of their fans.
Welp, the Mets managed to turn a 10-0 deficit into a 10-8 loss tonight, meaning Washington clinches the NL East. Screw the Nationals. I hate them. And all three of their fans.
It's because you're an old, old man.
I kind of feel like you missed the point of her post.
This is a perfectly defensible position. Read, please: http://www.vox.com/2016/9/21/12987108/sanders-clinton-nixon-humphrey
Brad May and Jay McKee piling in on Matthew Barnaby... Feels like the mid-to-late 90's all over again...
Best I can do. Of note: this is the first time I've gotten the Sportsnet feed of the incident. Hilarious how quickly the announcers go from snidely chuckling: "Biron wants no part of this, Emery's going to kill him." to "THIS IS NOT RIGHT, PETERS IS AN ANIMAL. SOMEONE HELP EMERY!!!!!!!!" Nine and a half years later and I'm angry about this game again...
Okay, I'll bite... Insert something he opposes.
There is something rather awesome about getting out of work at 7:00am, rushing home to put the kid on the bus at 7:25 (fortunately for me I live exactly 1 mile from my office) because my wife needs to leave early, and then heading to the grocery store to buy beer at 7:30 in a suit and tie. Keeps 'em guessing. I'm on number three...
We seem to be glossing over the hundreds of thousands of dollars in foundation money used to settle, as far as I understand it, lawsuits against Trump personally. Memorabilia isn't really the burning issue here... On top of the tens of thousands of dollars, yet again, the campaign paid to various Trump-owned entities in August. He truly is running one of the most dazzling cons in American history. In full view of the public and media, with all possible impunity and scant probability of any repercussions whatsoever. I'm with Eleven, he's going to win.
Yup. And it's the reason (well, the reason besides Torts) that team USA is so bad. So many guys should be there instead of on team make-believe. This entire tournament is garbage. You kids get the hell off my lawn! (Slams door, leans heavily on cane during twenty minute trip back to recliner... Muttering to myself about how Eddie Shore would never have stood for this ).
His exit was... less than optimal. More to the point, his attitude and shenanigans making the trade necessary (phoning it in long before he got sat down) were not exactly what one would expect of a pro. Also: Class A D-Bag in general.
Garth Snow.
I think the statutes regarding burning crosses, swastikas, doing various types of harm (to person and property) based on race, religion, and so on, followed by absolute crickets afterwards and the fact that we just had a damned Supreme Court case as to whether Virginia could still put the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia on license plates (no, but because it was Virginia's idea to knock it off) settles this issue.
And, not to get too inside baseball, but Virginia is a slavishly common law state. Intent gets inferred all over the place. Edit: pun not intended, but still funny.
I was careful to use "in certain circumstances" To Hoss: nope.