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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I've said it before. Bill Clinton was perhaps the greatest Republican President other than Lincoln. Hence the Republican hilarity afterwards and since.
  3. Heyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
  4. I imagine that they'd be licking their lips at the proposition. If incumbency has one potential benefit, it would be the possibility that a particular member of congress, or any number of them, can afford to push back harder than a newbie with a shelf life. Note I said potential. I'm fairly certain there's precious little of that as it stands. If we turn over the entire house on a regular schedule, I'd imagine that all legislation will just be handed to our reps who will then be instructed to get it done. Kind of like now. Some remedies are placebos.
  5. If you want to check the influence of lobbyists, term limits might not be for you. Think of the fun they'd have rampaging through a never-ending sea of neophytes...
  6. Oh hey there Ryan Lambert! What? You've written another 10,000 words about how bad Risto is? That was unexpected... http://sports.yahoo.com/news/rfa-defensemen-trouba-vs-lindholm-vs-ristolainen-trending-topics-143026363.html
  7. Libertarianism / Anarcho-Capitalism is a dangerous philosophy. I don't know that there are too many strict adherents, I gather a lot of people I talk to that identify as Libertarian are actually not all that serious/educated about it. There are those who are. They'll go on and on about freedom from coercion and the rights of the individual, but the logical terminus of the unfettered market for the overwhelming majority is a slavery so profound it puts paid to all the warbling about "freedom." Just one dude's opinion, obviously.
  8. Argh, bastard wiped it. It existed, and exists for,those more net savvy then I. I'' going to bed, will be available,to argue after 8 or so...
  9. I could kiss you. Godwin's law originates from the early days of the internet. Before we had a situation like we have now, with a literal Hitler clone within grasp of the Oval Office. Go to Trump's website. Pay close attention to what he'd do with refugee money. He'd pull inner city kids out of their environment and onto farms. Put another way: he wants to put black people on plantations. I don't know what else I can say, really...
  10. 1. No single raindrop comprehends its responsibility for the flood. 2. I get it Godwin's law and whatnot. Still, Trump is Hitler. Or would like to be. He has almost enough of the population fooled and almost enough of the population disengaged enough to pull it off. Read the damn book. 3. He's lying.
  11. I'm very much reading what he's saying. Claude's fond of telling people to read books. I'll recommend one now: "Hitler's Willing Executioners" by Samuel Goldhagen. This is how it starts. The indifference of otherwise virtuous people...
  12. Giving you the benefit of the doubt (begrudgingly), how is it that you see no difference betweeen Trump and Clinton Presidency? This is maddening to me, and I bet many others...
  13. Alright, look. I'm on record in this very thread as having described Hillary as less than ideal and to the right of Nixon. I voted for Bernie in the Virginia primary. I will vote for Hillary in the general election unreservedly. Any other option results in an abomination. You're a libertarian. Or at least you espouse the virtues of Gary Johnson. Libertarianism/Objectiveism is a cult. There is a fallacy at the heart of your religion (because that is what it is): freedom for everyone!!!! This can not happen. Every dollar in your pocket came from somewhere. Pretending that the labor of others is not essential to your own relative luxury is fantasy. You want to make it cheaper? Use cohersion. Okay, there are also nihilists.
  14. I had a moment where I was furiously trying to figure out who 21 was... ah, pre-season
  15. Those steps were indeed taken after the 2004 lockout. Everyone in the game lost their mind and the league abandoned it. To their immense detriment.
  16. You could parade an armored division through the gap between a Terry stop and what NYC was doing. If you don't see the value in electing a President who isn't Trump I can only assume you to be a Trump supporter.
  17. It has not, as such. In all honesty, there really hasn't been enough time. Every court having dealt with it has shitcanned it, however. Attached because it made me laugh so much, Breitbart's defense of stop and frisk. Literally, I peed a little... http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/09/28/clinton-wrong-supreme-court-says-stop-and-frisk-is-constitutional/
  18. Similar rationale was used for Nader in 2000. The result was unmitigated disaster. Lessons were clearly not learned. This is not an acedemic exercise. The stakes are so much higher this time; anyone who does not see this or sees it and does not care should have his/her head examined. Given a choice between the unpalatable status quo and hellfire, choosing the latter for a lark, which very much includes a "protest vote" or whatever for Stein or Johnson (and I won't get into how evil Libertarianism is) makes no sense.
  19. Mitch McConnell blaming Obama for somehow not doing enough to prevent the passage of JASTA. I'm genuinely starting to question my own sanity at this point. This can not be real... Attached Huff Post article, which ordinarily I wouldn't use as a source, but there's a video... Congress Now Blaming Obama For Its Embarrassing Override Of His Veto http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/congress-now-blaming-obama-for-embarrassing-override-of-his-veto_us_57edacd1e4b082aad9ba8595?section=
  20. There was a play towards the end of regulation where Kadri turned him and went around with almost no effort. Worrying indeed.
  21. I promise you I know at least one who will...
  22. I can think of no more fitting an end to this game than Matt Moulson burying a shootout goal.
  23. Strike that and reverse it. Edit: the Headline/article is horribly written.
  24. I will listen to this on a loop for all eternity if it means I never have to hear Emerick push "WAFFLEBOARD!!!!!" out of his nose ever again.
  25. Oh, look, two six-year-olds (and two adults) shot on their school playground in SC this afternoon. Suspect is a teenager who was previously expelled from the school district for attacking a fellow student with a hatchet. Glad he traded up. Nope, no problems here...
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