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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. My wife just texted me. She's invited friends over and is making hors D'oeuvres and mulled cider, both of which she does awesomely. I'm not getting out of the office until 9 if I'm lucky... there had better be plenty of awesome left by then. At least she'll leave the barleywine alone...
  2. Nothing would make me happier. I just have the Hunter S. Thompson entering Bat Country fear about this. Without the psychedelics... There is still a large portion of this country who could watch him strangle a toddler live on television and still vote for him. It's at the very least going to be closer than sanity should allow. And for all the ship-jumping for the benefit of the media, who are they going to vote for? You've got the Millennials voting for Gary "I have my name sewn into all of my underwear just in case" Johnson, the real possibility of something severely unpleasant happening between now and especially on Election Day... But I suppose we'll have to wait and see...
  3. Heh.
  4. I wish I was capable of sharing your optimism. I do not think there is any bottom depth to which we can sink, however.
  5. They are all, to a man and woman, still going to vote for him. He's going to win.
  6. There is no fundamental difference under the CBA regarding NHL service in either case. Play 10 games in the NHL or don't. Estephan probably has the better argument about it costing him money, what with the sweetheart slave labor deal the junior leagues get. Nylander gets to play in the AHL, Estephan does not.
  7. Nope. It explicitly states that salary, bonuses, and so on are all extended on the same terms. I think it's the fact that most 18 year-olds aren't AHL eligible that's throwing you.
  8. Article 9.1(d)(i) of the CBA states that if an 18-19 year old player signs an ELC (Entry-Level Contract) and does not play 10 NHL games in the first year of the contract, the ELC is extended by one year.
  9. This is one of those things... I can't help myself: Statistically speaking, Republican members of Congress commit sex crimes in bathrooms at an exponentially higher rate than the transgendered, based on actual documented cases. There's just no evidence to support the wailing on this issue. It's already (and nothing has changed even with recent legislation regarding who can use what bathroom) rather illegal in every state for someone to sneak into a bathroom, regardless of gender or any other factor, and commit a sex crime. I promise you this is true. People just want to pee, man. Not everyone is trying to rape your children. Or anybody. Frankly, you'd be surprised at who is, but that's not for this topic.
  10. There are an untold number of young people, or just people in general, who stand to benefit from a story like this. Just imagine what it would be like to grow up with exactly zero positive role models you can identify with. You're free to think what you want, but don't make the mistake of thinking you get to decide for everyone else.
  11. I should go to bed as I have to be to work early tomorrow, but I am just unable to tear my eyes away from the absolute meltdown of the right's cognoscenti, now that they're no longer able to pretend they had no idea what they were endorsing and are going to clutch their pearls for all to see while still not changing their attitudes or actually doing anything. The chair of the Washington State RNC actually said: "Trump was a Democrat when he said all those things." We're doomed....
  12. Oh, like most things in our code it's not really defined at all, except as in common law. So Bob Loblaw screws his client and sends Grandma to court with a money order to try and post a bond (which they likely can't now get back and couldn't afford the first time) which court won't take because a money order is not cash. I feel bad for Grandma. Everyone else can sit and spin.
  13. Speaking of which, I just had a 15 minute argument with an attorney about the meaning of the word "cash" as applied in a specific section of the Code of Virginia. This is why we drink...
  14. We really will go to any and all lengths to absolve ourselves of any responsibility for the festering sore on the ass of the universe that is humanity...
  15. It was Calgary. Had Colorado not matched, then ROR would have had to clear waivers for the Flames, thus putting them out the draft picks and the player when he inevitably got claimed. It was almost the single dumbest thing ever done by any sports team ever. http://www.cbc.ca/sports-content/hockey/opinion/2013/03/flames-oreilly-offer-sheet-a-big-mistake-all-around.html
  16. And that message was: Boy howdy, it's a really good thing the Mets can't hit...
  17. Innumerable doubts, yes.
  18. It kept people in East Berlin. Walling off the whole of East Germany would have been sometng else entirely...
  19. Evidently that photo is a year old. No idea why it's being kicked around today. That kind of makes it better/worse? I can't wrap my head around it...
  20. I have no idea who Monica Crowley is. Her bio says she works for Fox News. But holy you guys:
  21. But leading up to it, Politics in general, and especially Congress, were absolute poison. To the point of a dude beating another dude half to death on the floor of the senate. Lincoln having to sneak into D.C. after his election because he was totally going to be assassinated in Baltimore on the way, it just goes on really. We're about three hair-widths away from this though. Let's see what happens with the election. I fear the worst.
  22. I wouldn't say it's unprecedented, we did fight a war with ourselves once, but it's a clear second.
  23. Jack is sooooooo slippery. That doesn't sound right...
  24. Here are companies that squat on phone numbers and sell/lease them to whoever. It's legal, but of course most of the people/organizations doing this are shady. I've been getting calls from a local area code, calls are clearly coming from Pakistan telling me they're the IRS and demanding money or I'll be arrested. The sad thing is people fall for it. I had a guy and his wife in my office a few months ago trying to turn himself in because he was sure there was a warrant out for him. Seemed perfectly normal and not at all dumb. I did my best to keep a straight face as I sent him the the Sheriff's office so they could explain it to him. Strange.
  25. Arizona should be contracted immediately.
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