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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Brad May thinks that wasn't a penalty. Brad May would think this.
  2. True, but what I'm getting at is this: while,the combination of understanding social media and hockey may prove elusive, if you're going to err on one side whilst hiring a social media operative, make it the hockey side. Every other team seems to understand this.
  3. An actual college intern would be better at social media.
  4. A-Freaking-men. Soccer figured this out 30-some years ago.
  5. Nice to see that the younger Tkachuk is every bit the chicken-hawk his father was...
  6. I have no idea how many drugs I'd need to take to see the game Rob Ray seems to be watching. Gorges responsible for that? Foligno banks it off the ref but ok, should have seen that coming. Asshat.
  7. The league tried to change it after the second to last lockout. We saw how well that was received. "The League" doesn't really deserve as much of the blame for this as does the entire culture surrounding the game as a whole.
  8. See: Pysyk, Mark... (ducks)
  9. Major Chad Johnson diss... it wasn't that long ago...
  10. Apple TV still working fine. Still lets you start from beginning, everything looks alright. the NHL iOS app is also same as it ever was, though it has never had an option to watch anything other than live or archived.
  11. Big picture, the best case scenario is Moulson going bananas this year and getting snagged by Vegas. GMTM could do so much more with that money (in theory, at any rate) than the value Matty would provide over the rest of his contract. The return on any trade would, I am sure, not make it worth the effort.
  12. You have far too much faith in your fellow man. However, from your lips to god's (or whatever's) ear.
  13. In retrospect, can you blame him?
  14. And the best ever.
  15. So. The "this election will be rigged" narrative has made it to Congress. http://www.thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/301185-pro-trump-senator-they-are-attempting-to-rig-this Here's the thing. I'm old enough to remember that time Al Gore won the election in 2000. I remember the detestable news conference in which Katherine Harris gleefully reported that's we were doomed to an alternate reality, and read the Supreme Court opinion confirming that we were . By we I mean America. This can not be argued with 16 years later. GWB pushed us back a good 50 years. I despair that, in the event GOP shithousing does not win the day and Trump is elected (which I still think is a better than even bet) and Hillary wins, chaos will ensue. Timothy McVeigh Jrs. will pop out of the damn woodwork to wreak as much havoc as they can. People will die. Many people. Innocent people. There will, at least, be violence at polling places. Perhaps terrorist activities in inner cities meant to disrupt voting. All carried out by "White Nationalists". Buckle up everyone. And please be safe.
  16. Seeing that his luck wasn't much better in Vancouver, Toronto or New Jersey I'd say coincidence.
  17. I don't know that it's even arguable. Hasek was the best player period in the sport for a few years running, let alone at his position. When one considers the history of goaltending in the NHL, there are none better. Ever.
  18. I wonder if the Brian Burke hug rule might actually happen at some point...
  19. Honestly, if we were to have a poll for former Sabres who should be scrubbed from team history he'd have to be tied for first with Kozlov. I need to go shower now.
  21. Sabres history is replete with a cavalcade of half-decent players, a few brilliant stars burned out (for various reasons) too fast, and then Gilbert and Dom. Gilbert occupying the level directly below Dom. Dunno how far we can stretch it...
  22. Clicks, man. Clicks.
  23. Hasek all day. The only time Sabres fans have had the opportunity to see the the best there is in action in our colors. He took some garbage teams to heights they could not possibly have imagined, and a few decent teams almost to the top of the hill. End of.
  24. What in god's name happened to Hockey Night in Canada? Currently watching the French feed of Ottawa -Montreal because I just couldn't take the cumbersome attempts, misguided at best, at pro Canadian (starring Pavel Bure and Mats Sundin!) autofellacio any further, and those six years of French classes neeed to count for something...
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