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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Drugs? It was drugs, right?
  2. I must have remembered this wrong, because I looked it up and Patty had 62 points in 67 games as a Ranger before the inevitable last concussion. In the height of the dead puck era, and considering his situation that's just amazing. I had always for some reason thought he didn't do much and then got shut down. Eh, I was in college and probably drunk. But getting Andrew friggin' Peters for LaFontaine is a pretty bad return. Bang goes the last plank in the "Darcy wasn't really all that bad" plank as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Oh, and one other thing: on the same day the entire Bundy family is acquitted (other than, you know, the still ongoing case) this happens: http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/27/us/dakota-access-pipeline-protests/ Seriously, America...
  4. Heh. Listening to the the inter ission discussion on the Edmonton broadcast. Question: does Connor McDavid make free agents more likely to sign for Edmonton? Answer: (my answer, anyway, not going to detail the slurping sounds the SN crew made) well, of course. The salary cap doomed Edmonton, because if the money's equal, who in their right mind moves there? McDavid goes, proving once and for all that the league doesn't fix draft lotteries, and it became mes a different story. At first. Except the free agents they attract are Milan Lucic and.... um... yeah.
  5. Anaheim looking worse than awful again tonight. Dunno that Lindholm by himself is the remedy for what ails this team. Perhaps trading a D... oh, I dunno, Fowler, to the Sabres would help. Draft picks are nice... Also, Phaneuf just absolutely getting played like a fiddle a few minutes ago by several Flames. May it continue all night...
  6. Thought of that, no dice. We can stream HD video to 5 devices simultaneously (and pay through the nose for the privilege), just not NHL.tv lately... It's freaking me out, man...
  7. So, this could just be me being paranoid, but I'm starting to suspect that Comcast is throttling NHL.tv. Over the past few days, at home on the AppleTV or my iPad the feed is garbage. I constantly check my download/upload speeds to see if there's an issue; It halves when I'm running video on the NHL app or on the appleTV. On my phone over LTE or on the iPad at work on our wifi, full HD with no issues. It's starting to freak me out...
  8. We all love J.P., but he wasn't good enough to be on that list twice...
  9. I'll tell you one thing, Anthony Weiner is ironclad proof that Hillary does not, in fact, have people killed.
  10. This case, and the resolution to it, is deeply, deeply disturbing. The latter-day Tim McVeighs of the world will be rather emboldened.
  11. Pretty much. I read a line somewhere that attempted to explain why cats are so ornery, and will paraphrase as such: The problem with cats is that they are (and know that they are) god's perfect killing machines, but they weigh eight pounds and we keep picking them up and kissing them.
  12. Craig Anderson given an indefinite leave of absence by the Sens. Second time, he also missed a chunk of training camp. No idea, but this has the air of something tragic. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  13. Probably. I'm not sure that's short-term was going to be where the Habs get bitten by this trade. Give it another year or so though.
  14. Nah, he'll score two, Sabres still lose 5-2.
  15. My cats are absolute murder machines. One of them tried to bring a not-quite-dead-yet rabbit in the house awhile ago. She was rather pleased with herself. My wife didn't think it was funny. Fortunately, the dogs don't chase anything for more than five seconds (bulldogs, can't be bothered).
  16. Better than carpet.
  17. So I'm fairly sure my cat killed a bird this morning and left it on the patio. I'm also fairly sure one of my dogs ate it when I took them outside this morning. At least, this is the only thing I can surmise based on the mini crime scene on the concrete and the feathers hanging off the dog's chin... pets are fun.
  18. Whoever wished for this obviously did so with a monkey's paw.
  19. It's on iTunes
  20. You can stream / podcast it if you're into such things. Which is what I do.
  21. It's important, and worth pointing out, that the 3/5 compromise in dealing with the slave population had nothing to do with the worth, or humanity of those slaves being counted as such. Counterintuitively, the best thing to do (for the slaves)would have been to not count them at all. They counted towards congressional apportionment, but were never going to be allowed to vote. This gave the South far, far more power in congress than the free population could have warranted. It kept the priorities of slaveholders, who of course dominated Southern states, front and center at all times even after the north got rid of the institution and the workers of the industrial north started to get animated about the depression of their incomes that the slave labor of the south abetted. It's fairly obvious that the founders, or many of them at any rate, thought the slavery issue would sort itself out. The constitutional closing of the transatlantic slave trade being an example of this (though all it really did was drive the prices of slaves up and make things worse for everyone). In reality, the 3/5 compromise all but ensured the civil war.
  22. I've pondered the relative merits of Twitter. In the end, the problem with it is people. People are what they are and what they have been. That a large portion of us are dumb enough to broadcast it in a forum anybody with a phone can easily access, and then get upset when this is inevitably brought up against them, is sad, but not suprising. Plus, some of it is genuine genius. You just have the Herculean task of sorting through the excrement first.
  23. I can't be the only one who needed to go lie down for several hours after reading that Newt Gingrich had accused Megyn Kelly of being sex-obsessed and not caring about policy issues... I mean, in the grand scheme of things it matters naught, but sheesh. And think, no matter what the outcome on Election Day, it's (public political discourse) guaranteed to go further downhill.
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