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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. They'll go on a tear the second half of the season and miss the playoffs by a few points. Nailed on.
  2. Here's the problem, and it ain't pretty. Regardless of party, anti-intellectualism has finally won. Facts, no matter how mundane or how rock solid the science behind them may be, are to be disregarded if inconvienent. This ranges from the climate change disaster we're staring at down to the trivial. I, along with my wife, brought another life into this world. The thought that my generattion cares not one whit for what she will inherit angers me greatly. The thought that my parents generation gives not one single thought about that but will be happy to see her starve in a gutter so long as Medicare is fully funded until just after they die makes me question whether humanity truly deserves to continue. The enemy is us. James Madison said: "No democracy ever existed that did not commit suicide." I fear we've just done it.
  3. Having one of those nights where I go down a YouTube rabbit hole. Came up with this. Pretty much encapsulates my, and I dare say others, current mood: https://youtu.be/m_oTWjDC9rU Also, The Cure are quite possibly the best rock band ever.
  4. This team... Marcus hitting a dude in the face with his stick to take a penalty and cancel an odd-man rush. Peak Sabres right there.
  5. If the Sabres score two or more goals tonight I'll eat my hat.* Predicting a rather similar game to last night. *not really.
  6. Irony: A measure of the distance between the meaning of the writer and the the understanding of the reader.
  7. I'm legitimately confused. What, other than turning an obscene inheritance into a net worth much less than leaving it in the bank, is his strong suit? It's been asked why Trump and Putin are so tight, and it's obvious: The golden rule. He with the gold makes the rules. But Trump has no gold. I'm almost certain he's so leveraged he doesn't have two actual nickels to rub together. Who's holding that debt?
  8. So, evidently Trump thought, at one point and probably briefly, that Romney had won the popular vote in 2012. Screenshot of resulting tweetstorm attached. (Wow, I wonder what Haidt would say about this? Nah, we all know...)
  9. I'm with you up to the point where they voted for Trump instead...
  10. Oksana would be much more fun at the bar though...
  11. An America closely aligned with Russia must, by necessity, abandon or neuter NATO. Ukraine is just the beginning. Which, by the way, Trump rather oddly has no knowledge of.
  12. While it is unfair to ascribe the sins of the shepherd to the sheep, blood becomes much harder to wash off the longer we soak our hands in it.
  13. I find your approbation and understanding most gratifying.
  14. Oh, he will receive all due respect...
  15. Tee-hee... https://twitter.com/pattymo/status/796933255727554560 Oh, and now I'm reading Steve Bannon will be named Trump's Chief of Staff. Not at all terrifying. So it begins...
  16. I mean, he's going to have to be told by about 1000 people to deactivate the account before he swears in. The congressional hearings regarding Trump's DM's would be mind-boggling...
  17. 2016, Man... Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen all gone. Phil Collins Coming out of retirement... what a (horrible) time to be alive...
  18. Looks like falling asleep in the recliner watching cartoons with my daughter was the correct (if accidental) decision last night... On to the next one, I suppose.
  19. It's fine. I was, self-admittedly, Pat Moynihan Drunk. Doesn't change a thing about the message, may have been why I responded to begin with. 36 Hours...
  20. Zig heil; my "non partisan" friend. Yes, this is this important. Figure it out.
  21. Good luck to you and you ideological purity in the Fourth Reich. Or, if trump doesn't win, have a happy rest of your life where nothing changes...
  22. I don't want to spell out why I thinly Haidt is nonsense. Mostly because I'll feel co pulled to shout NAZI over and over. He is, don't get me wrong. But here, read this from someone more sober and to the right of me... http://rationallyspeaking.blogspot.com/2011/05/jonathan-haidt-does-it-again.html?m=1
  23. alright. At this point, I can only congratulate you on having read the one book. You seem to have taken it to heart. Good thing is t wasn't something truly disastrous like the bible or the Quran With as much of love as I can shove down your bunker...
  24. Oh, it won't do that. It'll explain why otherwise normal people will not notice while a murderous psychopath takes control of thier country. And then play along for years as millions die. No biggie. Yet.
  25. Have you read Goldhagen's book yet?
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