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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I take it she had not just visited the optometrist?
  2. Roenick is dumber than a bag of hammers, but some of his stories are entertaining. Currently listening to today's episode, they have Marty Wilford on, and Donny Meatballs dropped in for a second. Interesting that Rivet and Peters are getting access, all things considered.
  3. I agree with your list, but would add: Get a Goalie for the love of god…
  4. Melnyk was a Rigas-level dirtbag with the benefit of having Rigas go first. Literally harvested Sens fans for organs. Loath though I may be to promote the ringer, they got it mostly right a few years ago: https://www.theringer.com/platform/amp/2019/10/8/20904509/eugene-melnyk-ottawa-senators-worst-sports-owner-in-north-america
  5. Further: Spicy Dahlin just might be my favorite part of watching this team develop this year. Could not possibly love the kid more.
  6. I, for one, blame the Senators fan base for not providing him with organs of suitable quality. No follow-up questions.
  7. I just laughed so violently my dog ran away scared…
  8. The hockey gods felt pity for Kyle on the last chance, evidently.
  9. Just got home from work, turned the game on, saw Tokarski do whatever that was on #4….
  10. Yeah... I don't think giving Pat Kane that much proximity to Chippewa and time to exploit it would ever end well for anybody.
  11. We're looking at next season, those looking to deal up to today were more concerned with next month. Good on KA for not getting Botterilled on anything, I suppose. We'll see what happens this summer.
  12. Yeah, we were all pissed about that, missed an entire year, then in unison had to figure out where to even watch the games in the fall of '05... "The Outdoor what Network?" Took a bit, but they hit the ground running and did not look back until OSP pulled the plug. No follow-up questions.
  13. for the three of us who will appreciate this one...
  14. Yeah, if it weren't for Gretzky going off about it in real time I doubt the league would feel it necessary to address it. 1 game and a whole bunch of Hail Mary's.
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