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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. I suppose the devolution of this thread into our roughly 235,972nd rehash of the tank, and more importantly, which of us can claim the high ground more than a decade later by claiming to have been against it (I am absolutely, militantly, indifferent at this point) was inevitable, given the teams involved and the Sabres contribution to their rosters. Please, for the love of all that is holy and most that is not, let this be the last off-season anybody can bring this up because the team has finally turned the corner. I'm hopeful it will be.
  2. A few teams, Chicago and Arizona come to mind, are going to need to take on some salary to hit the floor this coming season. Somebody's gonna take him, might not get a king's ransom in return, but other teams have seen him play and will negotiate accordingly. Dunno if that qualifies as losing the trade when what we're offering up isn't really all that attractive.
  3. Currently at 33 per CapFriendly. I'd imagine that'll increase by about 10 before camp.
  4. Stand down, Johnson-watchers.
  5. Yeah, I’m 95% done caring about soccer/football. There really is no point unless you’re a fan of the Petro-fascist state owned clubs. And if you are, give your head a shake and have a think about things.
  6. Related note: Morrissey behaves in absolutely classy and decent fashion, shocking everyone… https://pitchfork.com/news/morrissey-eulogizes-the-smiths-andy-rourke-he-will-never-die-as-long-as-his-music-is-heard/amp/
  7. Just imagine if steroids gained sentience and put on a human suit.
  8. If the IIHF, NHL and relevant Euro leagues would get their collective ***** together and come up with a realistic path forward for an actual world championship / world cup that means something, I'll listen. Not holding my breath that'll ever happen. Until that highly unlikely day arrives, we're merely casting pearls before swine already wearing lipstick, if you'll indulge my mangling of two very different (but relevant) idioms.
  9. Tapping the sign again: The All-Star Game is for children and schmoozing corporate partners. That's all there is or should be to it.
  10. Just can’t with you. Or: you get it and this is hilarious. Genuinely not sure which.
  11. Those with generational wealth beg to differ. And they’re in charge of everything. I know you know this.
  12. I love the Mets, because I hate myself. Obviously.
  13. Causation, correlation, and so on. I don’t think anyone thinks that getting punched/hit in the head a whole bunch is good for you. Do we know more now than we did 30 years ago? Absolutely. Should that knowledge change our views on certain things? Absolutely. Has it? Absolutely again. I genuinely believe that football (at least as we know it) will not exist in another 20 years. It can’t. The money/liability involved will become untenable once more and more science comes out. This is, of course, assuming things in general do not take a turn we’ll have to go to the politics club to talk about. Hockey is already close to doing away with fighting, as it probably should. It’ll have to evolve further to maintain the integrity/spirit of the game, but I think it stands a better chance. Just nobody punching anybody.
  14. Likely busy extolling the benefits of the auto-de-fe he’s witnessing to an ever-credulous audience. Did not have a Voltaire bit on the agenda to start the day… but what the heck.
  15. Hmmmm. Looks like he only has 8 PIM that playoffs. I dunno.
  16. Looks like he has one fighting major in his NHL career, with Vegas in 2018.
  17. I mean, imagine if he didn't, though...
  18. Mike Gartner is in the HOF. Adjust his numbers for era and they’re pretty much (or will be once Skinner finishes, if he continues apace) the same player, give or take. Just something to think about, but no, Skinner isn’t a HOF player and neither is Gartner. IMHO.
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