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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. AD is an abbreviation for the bastardized Latin "Anno Domini" or "In the Year of Our Lord". It represents the arbitrary point chosen well after the fact to hammer the Julian and Gregorian calendars together. Estimates as to what would have been the actual date of the birth of Jesus vary widely.
  2. Good. Anything that makes the IOC a dime should be ended immediately anyway. This will likely be resolved between the players and owners during the next lockout. Which will be ongoing during the Beijing Olympics. Edit: never mind, February happens before June.
  3. My favorite Keith Hernandez broadcasting moment was about 10-12 years ago when he had his "THERE'S A GIRL IN THE DUGOUT!!!!" Meltdown. He makes Rob Ray seem like an in-his-prime Harry Neale.
  4. Noah Syndergaard is throwing 90mph changeups today. I love him.
  5. Mulching mower. The single greatest invention known to man. But I digress...
  6. I work a crazy nonsensical schedule (my office operates 24/7/365, scheduling is complicated, but I still give my boss undue amounts of for it) and have found that day shift (7a-5p) or night shift (9p-7a) are fine and dandy. Second shift (in my particular location 1p-11p) can just right off. Life ruining. Four days a week, one holiday per month, and an abundance of accumulated leave because most things can be scheduled around / traded with colleagues (I have to figure out what to do with four weeks of leaf before the end of the year so I don't lose it) aren't bad either. Sleep? Meh.
  7. Of course, Nillson is also demonstrably bad, which becomes more notable as the sample size grows larger. Huge shoulder shrug. NHL Network game. Unsure if I'll make the effort to actually watch this live. But hey, there's baseball.
  8. There are no other things, unfortunately.
  9. It's definitely worth the read. CS was pretty much embedded with Joe from very early on, and Joe's words make up a large portion of the text. It'll make you cry towards the end though, when it gets to the night he and Mick reunited onstage right before he died. It made me cry, anyway.
  10. NS, have you read Chris Salewicz's Strummer biography "Redemption Song"? I'm willing to bet you have, but if not, it's actually really good.
  11. Missed the game, saw the score, gave a quiet "Meh" and went to bed. Checking the GDT just now to see what happened and OH MY DEAR SWEET LORD! That escalated quickly.
  12. Back, and to the left...
  13. Of all the contracts handed out in that silly spree, Ehrhoff was probably the most defensible.
  14. It's entirely possible and indeed reasonable to be appreciative of what Terry and co. have done in the big picture while also wanting the team to be better. I don't see the point in demanding some sort of atonement on ownership's part for past moves intended to improve the team (contracts, hiring coaches and so on) that were merely unwise, as opposed to prior ownership setting fire to the roster to save a buck. This will forever be the difference between Terry and OSP, and why Terry gets so much rope from so many (me included, even if I shake my head over a number of things). Whether it works, well. Terry definitely wrote a few metaphorical checks with his mouth that ended up not being cashed. As opposed to the actual checks which were written and most definitely cashed in bulk. I suppose we shall see what goes on from here, but who knows?
  15. I honestly don't know which, if true, is worse. The Evander Kane "we stopped trying to score goals" quote of a few weeks ago leads me to believe the former, but that's just my interpretation.
  16. I mean, GMTM can not possibly be unaware of this, right? Every freaking time with a lead...
  17. There is no sense in which the word sublime makes sense there if you're right. Or at all. I'm left shaking my head and paraphrasing the "Monorail" episode of the Simpsons (23 of the most sublime moments of comedy ever committed to video): "You know, Darcy Regeir with money is a bit like a mule with a spinning wheel. Nobody knows how he got it and danged if he knows what to do with it."
  18. Having finished the game, a few thoughts: Ennis looks like he might still be alive all of a sudden. Please, Vegas, draft him. (They still won't) The NHL needs to do one of two things: Do something about the officiating -or- Admit that they're going for a down low pro wrestling vibe a la the NBA and NFL. (Seriously, both of those sports are entirely fixed for gambling purposes. My own personal wack-job conspiracy theory. It would break my heart to believe the NHL is the same, but honestly, what reason do I have to think otherwise?) Jack Eichel is good at hockey. That is all.
  19. Watching tonight's game on delay, have stayed out of the GDT, but much respect to the in-game entertainment folks for playing the Cure (Just Like Heaven) at 18:08 of the second period.
  20. There are so many more moving pieces than who the owner was at any given time. Darcy was amazing at painting dross gold for so many years. Once he was given actual gold he gave it all to Leino and even lesser lights. And turned the rest to lead. Things went further south than when nobody was about to get paid. TPegs bears responsibility for that in the big picture, sure. But trusting a GM who had been doing so much with so little for so long isn't the craziest thing in the world, given the circumstances. Hindsight is wonderful.
  21. Sigh. I know you're begging for a response here, so I'll leave it at this. The Knox family ran out of money. The Rigas family never actually had any (real) money (of their own). Gary Bettman, for all his many faults, kept the team in Buffalo, and found a local buyer in OSP, who effectively house-flipped the franchise, for a nice return on his investment (without any of that putting money into it stuff in between). You remember how that shining period of success you point out ended.
  22. I have so many questions for the crazy person who put this together.
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