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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Please for the love of all that is holy no. No. Nyet. No.
  2. Oh, just you Komarov...
  3. You know, if the Caps are going to get called for chintzy slashes to go two men down, Austin Matthews needed to go for the simulated sex act he performed on the guy on the ice right before the last goal. This is just blatant.
  4. Horseshit of the highest order. Backstrom isn't in the crease, any contact he made was caused by the defender. Of course, we should not be surprised by his outcome, really.
  5. There is at least that.
  6. Orpik hits him literally anywhere else (maybe not the face) nobody bats an eyelash and play carries on. Even if somebody loses a finger, as we've seen...Oh, look. Stupid pointless offsides review of a play too close to call in real time takes away a goal in Boston. Yay!
  7. Fugly period for the Laffs. This is what the first three games should have liked like.
  8. Hey, look! There's hockey on! And the Laffs are losing!
  9. I swear, if anything bad happens to his beautiful, beautiful ankle...
  10. That's pretty badass.
  11. He's either right, has been set up, or is carrying water for team management (provided, of course that they would actually want him to be carrying this particular water for... reasons). I genuinely don't know which is more plausible.
  12. Oxford Commas are a big deal, people. https://blogs.wsj.com/bankruptcy/2010/07/15/courtroom-drama-over-misplaced-comma/
  13. I'm reporting the last few posts for their inappropriate lack of actual pizza content...
  14. Very large, rectangular pizza. Think school cafeteria.
  15. I would appreciate it if you could keep this thread focused on pizza entirely.
  16. I mean, it's still good by lunchtime..
  17. This is correct. And the only way forward in order to maintain sanity.
  18. You have no idea how happy I am that this has turned into the leftover pizza thread. As it should be.
  19. Sometimes bad things happen to jerks and their Mercedes. Things can go horribly and expensively wrong under the hood. Maybe someone puts a wide scratch down it next fall, who knows?
  20. There seems to be an awful lot of Eeyore going on in here...
  21. In all fairness, it was a deliberate hit to the head.
  22. Bobby Ryan gets away with some grade A shithousery there...
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