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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Enjoy it while it lasts, hippie....
  2. Please for the love of Christ do not try to millenialsplain music to me. I enjoy Death Cab and the Postal Service. Am old enough to remember when they were new. ;-)
  3. Dave Grohl has literally been in four better bands.
  4. Mostly Apple Music's Indie channel. And Mike Snow. I want to punch him in the mouth.
  5. Nirvana was objectively terrible. Had Cobain not killed himself when he did we would not be talking about them now. Hell, Hole's first two albums were vastly superior. #hottaeks
  6. The miles between Gary Numan and Debbie Gibson are significant. Or used to be, at any rate.
  7. When the hell did indie rock turn into 80's pop? Why was I neither informed or allowed a vote? Goddam kids.
  8. JBOT, I think, has already been decided upon.
  9. Hey, that's my gag....
  10. Depending upon dates/scheduling I'd be in.
  11. I dunno that he had been told, but in retrospect he obviously knew he was done.
  12. "Those People" are the correct people.
  13. Plus, 9.5 million over the next four years. Nobody who's going to be in a position to win can/is taking that contract on.
  14. French language media (as someone else, I forget who, mentioned in another thread earlier) ran with a concussion story thanks to William Carrirer running his mouth. I suppose it's either A: me not realizing that I live in an odd super-hockey-sensitive bubble and wondering why everyone else has a problem or B: it's too much to ask Buffalo media to even go as far as to ask unanswered questions or get a "no comment" if that's all they'd get. Probably A, I suppose.
  15. Even when XGMTM was asked about it at his final press conference he flipped his lid and shut the question down. If there was good news we'd have been told he's fine by now. IMO.
  16. It troubles me that, whispers here or there aside, there really hasn't been anything at all said about KO from anywhere.
  17. Well. I can not comprehend how Pittsburgh is winning this game. Because Washington?
  18. It would most definitely give me fits. For non-money related reasons, mind.
  19. Thought about it. Had to look it up. Wouldn't have guessed that.
  20. And Mitch Williams while we're at it.
  21. Joe Carter (Had tickets to Game 7).
  22. It's been open so long there's a fire the GM we haven't hired yet thread already; in which I'm not sure everyone's being ironic.
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