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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Just left of center politics. Bunches panties like you would not believe.
  2. And, of,course, this fails to address the insidious creep of those you happen to agree with injecting their bile into the discussion. I'm not surprised. it, I'm done.
  3. Yet again, just me is being held to account.
  4. It needs to cut both ways. If we're not gonna do it, we're all not gonna do it. Liberties have been taken, invariably in one direction, since politics were deemed haram on this forum. I'm not inclined to suffer this gladly as I've held my tongue greatly over the past five months or so.
  5. In all honesty, the best one she's ever taught me is: patient presented DFO (done fell out).
  6. Et tu Smarm-te?
  7. Too on the nose. http://www.clickhole.com/article/nation-mourning-roger-ailes-americas-jolly-grandpa-6090?utm_content=Main&utm_campaign=SF&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing
  8. Dude started it...
  9. Oh, I'm sorry,we're we still speaking? In all honesty; If you had the courage of your convictions you'd be passive-aggressively praying for me. Arguing with heathens such as me just opens holes, my friend. I suggest you ignore me from here on, you'll be happier.
  10. I mean, I've seen and indeed touched a boob before...
  11. Also, hell can not possibly as peaceful as racetrackboy imagines it to be. That's if you're lucky and there is anything other than infinite darkness to look forward to. Spoiler Alert: Nope.
  12. Dude. off with that nonsense. And do it in the deepest hole you can possibly find. We've banned left-leaning politics from this board. It's about time the detritus is swept away to the the right as well.
  13. JSB, my condlences,p. One of my bulldogs is circling the drain (a phrase I picked up from my ICU nurse wife). He's been through so much. Surgery to repair tworuptured vertebrae, cancerous tumors on his leg. Has been a complete sweetheart through it all. Probably helps that he's so dumb he barks at his own farts, but still. Always happy, always up and at 'em (the vets at VA Tech, where we had to go for the spinal surgery, said he was likely in severe pain for months before his legs stopped working, but never let on) and always, again a sweetheart. His legs are giving out on him again. I dunno that there's anything else we can do for him. He just keeps on keeping on, but I remember the words of the vet when he blew up his spine... is he in pain? Drives me and my wife nuts. Don't want him to suffer, can't tell that he is. Think he might be, but then again....
  14. He was not injured. This is all that matters.
  15. Medical examiner confirms suicide by hanging. . Current mood: https://youtu.be/EtAhcNm17Y0
  16. Yeah, but. Buffalo moves the ratings needle when the Sabres aren't playing. That it hasn't happened again already is probably a testement to the limit of the cynicism at NBC / in the NHL. Also, corporate welfare should probably be ended.
  17. Welp. Now we can put Jack in bubble wrap until training camp. Where he should have been to begin with.
  18. Not wanting to open this door entirely, but absolutely nothing on earth could possibly make me laugh harder than the fact that this is largely based on events taking place on Kenneth Starr's watch. Kids, ask your parents.
  19. I would actually find the above attitude to be less insufferable were he to deploy it, in all honesty. Because, you know, honesty.
  20. Ooh we have a good hockey goal...
  21. Everyone's life and experience is their own. I can understand that his time in Buffalo was not by any stretch a happy one, money neither prevents nor cures the sort of thing he's talking about having gone through. While he quite willingly signed the contract, alarm bells were ringing about the likelihood of success for him before he rolled into town. Tanks, Darcy, TPegs, or some combination of the two for that decision. It's probably genuinely painful for him even now. Having said that and stretched my sympathy as far as it'll go, he can right off and keep cashing his buyout checks.
  22. Hilariously enough, that decision rests entirely upon Fleury... don't count on anyone else being protected. Nor do I blame him, seeing how the fan base and team have treated him, for exercising a bargained for and agreed to clause in his contract. In simpler terms: the penguins.
  23. I mean, imagine a team built to win games in regulation ...
  24. Lehrer is better than any other free agent goalie at his salary and experience point. And also better than most Sabres fans give him credit for, because Buffalo. Bridge deal imminent.
  25. Ooh, My Aim is true... First Elvis Costello drop. To be honest, Imperial Bedroom might be a better overall EC record (Town Cryer might just be the greatest single song ever) but a respectable choice nonetheless.
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