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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. The NCAA needs to be labeled what it is, an organized crime syndicate and shut down. All of this goes away afterwards.
  2. Don't be a mark, there are no third jerseys this year...
  3. They do though. Assuming Junior players get drafted at 18, they get reserve listed by teams. Then they go back into the draft and perhaps get reserve listed again and, if not signed are free agents ineligible for the draft again. Most college players who get drafted have spent some time in minor junior, and are 19-20. (Your Eichels excluded). They have to sit until their class graduates. Just so their school can suck the marrow out of the bone in the name of "education" (sorry, as a Bonaventure graduate I hate the NCAA and all college sports because as our science building collapsed we renovated the basketball locker room and they didn't win and also literally ruck everyone responsible for that decision). I'm leaving it as ruck, I don't even care anymore.
  4. Given what Buffalo and a Canadian team would do to the ratings on both sides of the border I doubt the NHL would be as incentivized to look the other way at that sort of nonsense as they have been in the past.
  5. As stated above, it's not really a loophole as it's explicitly deal th with in the CBA. I don't see much appetite to change it from either the league or NHLPA. The league likes it because it disincentivises (in theory) teams from drafting middling NCAA talent and spend draft picks on junior players. The PA likes it because kids who hold out the entire distance aren't taking a job from a dues paying union member for that much longer. Honestly, if I were a major junior player, I'd be wondering why the college guys get to be free agents faster. Teams should sign guys if they really want them, or trade them if they don't think the guy's gonna sign. Any advantage the player gets is a positive, frankly (IMO). The percentage of drafted college players who go unsigned and the drafting team gives a hoot is probably not very high. There have been a few examples lately, but so what?
  6. In all fairness to the refs, they are trying their good-god-damndest to put that goal back on the board for Nashville here.
  7. Actually I do. Then.... crickets.
  8. Steve Bernier signs a two-way deal with the Islanders. Where I think he was before anyway... hey, remember when Darcy traded for him because of reasons and you couldn't tell it happened?
  9. I care not one whit about bouncey-ball, but this Steve Kerr quote is just about the best thing I've seen in awhile. https://twitter.com/jimmy_durkin/status/873229890463698945
  10. $9.5 million cap hit until 2021.
  11. I hate the Penguins more than you do.
  12. Been together in total 13 years. Our 10th wedding anniversary is in July. Christ.
  13. Yeah,I have to run any part time gig past the Supreme Court. They like teaching (I'm on the waiting list as an adjunct for several local colleges) and they tend to deny other jobs. I've simultaneously had it up to here with a job I enjoy(but pays me poverty wages) and the expectations of my other half. .
  14. It's alright, how she thinks things will get better if she subtracts my income I'll never understand. Unless the dude on deck is much better off... I should probably stop.
  15. Fun other wrinkle: my wife, who signed off on my taking a silly pay cut to take my current job is threatening to leave me because I don't make enough money now.
  16. You realize, of course, that he didn't have a magic johnson. Sorry...
  17. Dayto day now: conducting probable cause hearings pre and post arrest, search warrants, determining bail for defendants, mental health emergency commitments. Potential job; document and chart review. Would pay more. (I understand this is sad,but you voted for this)
  18. Alright Sabrespace, some advice please. My wife is pushing me to apply for a job in the legal department of the hospital she works for. It would be a ton more money than I make now as a lowly judicial officer. I'm fairly sure I'd hate it. Other than the lack of money, I love my current job. Applying isn't really the issue, but what if I get offered the job.. the money seems nice. I've already taken a 30% pay cut to take the job I have now, an feel bad about that. Consider the application submitted, should I do it?
  19. I mean, maybe they're just allergic to terrible beer. And before you dismiss me with the snob stanp, I at one point (in high school) bought Strohs by the goddamn 30 pack because yay! Cheap beer! Also Natural Ice: $.32 per can my freshman year of college. Good (and by that that I mean what got me drunken times for less) beer.
  20. I see what you did there.
  21. Any ex-Sabre hired (if hired) will come with the extra layer of questions attached. Best candidate or not, everyone will remember the Pegula face fountain at the introductory presses and go from there. Again, deserved or not...
  22. Don't soft sell Rip.
  23. Winner by a mile.
  24. Which is because they are both terrible.
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