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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Christ no, Son.
  2. But you're 1000% on the owner's side?
  3. So if your employer let you know that you'll have a 10% pay cut because of costs you'd happily accept it?
  4. Again, disregard the money. Business can not continue without labor. Business profits incredibly from the labor of employees. Business does not want to share in said profits either directly or in the form of increased compensation. Why is anyone wrong for being hacked off at that?
  5. Oh, hell, I'll chuxk the hat in if you need numbers.
  6. You know, the NHL is still small potatoes. And yet, literally every other sports league gives the players a better deal... https://twitter.com/jonmorosi/status/885871226912223232
  7. You... I like you. The Yankees (and the Nationals for that matter) can go right to hell.
  8. But, and hear me out here, what if he's good enough and it benefits the team?
  9. Not to attempt to alarm you unduly, but you've seen two. There may well be many, many more. Might want to get it checked out by a professional.
  10. Timmy Connolly, when possessed of a fully functional brain, was awesome. https://twitter.com/sabresgoaladay/status/885840791993823232 Also, if you're not following Sabres Goal of the Day on twitter, get off your ass. Unless you're smart enough to have avoided twitter.
  11. According to things I can't be bothered to link to ETHRON! signs a contract of some length including a salary of some sort with Minsk of the KHL.
  12. It could be a landing spot for the Islanders once they get thrown out of Barclay's... (ducks).
  13. Well, this is potentially interesting. Carolina getting sold and made to stay put. https://twitter.com/soshnick/status/885550790823342083
  14. Sabel79

    OT - RBF

    I am fortunate enough to be in a position where being a stony bastard is a veritable boon. God help me if and when I change jobs, so I feel for you.
  15. I had a similar situation involving car insurance once. In that case, it was the lender being stupid, one phone call by me to the insurance co. fixed everything. Sounds like you need a new insurance company. I wouldn't put up with that.
  16. EVERYONE'S zone entries were goddamn awful under Disco's whiteboard junta.
  17. Pierre Turgeon was given the C. You think Eichel doesn't deserve it, considering the floor?
  18. I absolutely would. The Ruff practice of handing out three "A"s (including Doug Gilmour) and later on slapping the "C" on the majority of the roster in turn reeked of a team with no identity, no real spine. Slap it on Eichel and we go forward.
  19. Hey Flagg, Pi hacked your account...
  20. https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/mike-commodore-rips-mike-babcock-claims-columbus-coach-162609059--nhl.html TL;DR: it śtarted in Anaheim, then he believes Babcock screwed him over for fun when he signed with Detroit. Also, he might be somewhat unhinged. Hard to tell.
  21. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Mike Commodore at it on Twitter re: Babdick yet again. https://twitter.com/commie22/status/884625609355272192 Bad case of Irish Alzheimer's with this guy.
  22. No, Autio. Had to look it up.
  23. Even the kid from Penn State whose name I can't remember and I've never heard of and we'll probably never see again looked useful today.
  24. His goal in the last game was rather Jack-like.
  25. No idea. Disregard. White is the best of the teams today by a mile.
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