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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Again, this is literally not possible.
  2. I actually argued on twitter with Raphael Honigstein (if you're into soccer, you know who this is) about that. It's a bald-faced throwaway to "lesser" nations that has a net negative impact on both qualifying (which is a soul-destroying bore at the best of times) and the tournament itself. It's unworkable and stupid. Still, better than the IOC and NCAA if we're keeping score.
  3. That would require more time, and legal fees, that it's worth, IMO. Plus, all it takes is one or a few union members to feel the u ion is negotiating in bad faith to blow it up. That the vast majority of players would willingly give up paychecks for the benefit of those at the top is ludicrous. Again, IMHO.
  4. Also: FIFA may well have planted the bomb that destroys itself with the Quatar World Cup decision. There is absolutely no sense in any of it, other than "I was payed well to vote for them". From the human rights abuses, to the fact that there is no way you can have soccer games in the summer there (it was always the plan to swing it to winter, IMO), to what is sure to be the negative experience of most of the world's fans, it's a non starter. Look for one of the following two things to happen: Either it gets moved or the big clubs finally break off and form a non FIFA sanctioned super league and the best players don't go. Kinda hoping the second thing happens, frankly.
  5. Gotcha.
  6. Because they'd be, at the very least, placing a hardship upon at least some of the actual paying customers. Never mind growing the game, they're actively not caring about those willing to give them money in the first place.
  7. I don't think they can, as that would violate the no strike/lockout provision of the CBA. The league would have its ass handed to it. Edited to add: or at least it would if the NHLPA were in possession of an actual backbone.
  8. The new Melvins album, "a walk with love and death" is absolutely top-drawer. If you're into that sort of thing. Giving it a second listen as I type.
  9. Please don't dare the NHL to out-NHL itself. They can conceive of no bottom to which they may sink.
  10. FIFA is indeed a joke, however I'm willing to overlook more of their nonsense than I am with the IOC or the NCAA. FIFA, at least, lacks the pretense that the other two positively ooze; that they're in fact some sort of beneficent charity organization. If you're gonna do it, do it right.
  11. Seriously, I'ma have to go to bed soon. PMing Flagg with three options. Two of them have to be available.
  12. Soupy retires, Joins Chicago front office.
  13. Avs fans with enormous axes to grind, mostly.
  14. The angst is strong with this guy. Is Risto overpaid? Probably. Should we be saying that Risto is objectively a bad hockey player and compare him disfavorably to Mark Psyk? Nah.
  15. Black coffee and settling into work. Three more coffees and I'll be ready to start...
  16. Still more useful than a third round pick, on balance.
  17. Not insulting you, it's irony, since you're arguing for the opposite. (Probably not the best joke, apologies)
  18. I'm not even addressing your first point. Enjoy the reaming enthusiastically, I gues. 2 World Series in 30 years, considering the number of teams in the league and handicapping it for your Ayn Randian understanding of sports is, indeed, a lot.
  19. Second in thirty, but okay.
  20. here's the thing, WC, you're too young to remember the 30 years of Yankee terribleness that preceded the mid 90's revival. (As a mets fan, it was glorious, topped by the time Al Leiter threw a no hitter and lost 4-0). There's more to it than money, as we Sabres fans experienced by early Pegula. It helps, certainly, but there are many variables. Salary caps are not altruistic bones tossed to small markets. They're shoes placed on the throats of labor. Salaries can not be said to be out of control of ownership if ownership is willing to sign the checks. Any argument from ownership that players are making to much is, logically, a lie and stupid.
  21. Kansas. City. Royals.
  22. Who is our owner again?
  23. No. In full: NHL ownership has cost us better than two seasons of hockey over the past 25 years, has engaged in an unconscionably incestious media deal, has raised prices on everything, and yet claims poverty despite ever increasing revenues. those bastards.
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