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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. D'oh. Made sense when I posted it. Welp, bedtime for me...
  2. No matter how many goals he scored at even strength, they were all for Carolina.
  3. French Bulldogs. But diesel. The white one is 50 pounds, the brown one 45. Well above breed standard, but this makes them actual dogs.
  4. Alright, I've been Debbie Downer in here for awhile. Here, have something legitimately awesome. My dogs. Being vigorously abused in this photo...
  5. Other than NHLtv.
  6. Meh. I'm not sad about it, really. I'll enjoy toying with her counsel at any rate. Musical interlude: Home of Doug Stanhope. Yes, please.
  7. You know the answer to that.
  8. Nah, you could have new perfectly competent insurance faster.
  9. I had a situation similar to yours re: car insurance. Took one call to the insurance co. and everything was taken care of. Who are you insured through? Feel free to shame...
  10. Sandinista remains one of the five best albums ever produced.
  11. Speaking of lawyers, my wife's attorney. Jesus, son. He already doesn't like me because I've dressed him down at least twice in unrelated matters. This is because he's awful. Should be a fun year and a half or so. (Neither party having grounds for divorce per Virginia law, 12 months of seperation is the only way to do it. Then court afterwards, which could, of course, be limited if we can hammer out an agreement beforehand and then just submit that and witness affidavits). The thing in parenthesis probably not happening, because he's a fee-seeking tool poorly advising his client.
  12. FWIW, I have always been able to stream multiple games simultaneously on my account, one on iPad one on Apple TV. SurfEasy is a decent VPN, which I use; dunno if it has a desktop application though
  13. Which is why, of course, the players are absolutely crazygonuts about, for instance the Vegas expansion fee not being "Hockey Related Revenue". CBA clearly states it isn't, so they lose that argument, but still.
  14. The CBA dictates that the players are entitled to a certain percentage of "Hockey Related Revenue." The salary cap is based on estimates (it's more complicated than that, but will do for now). The league escrows 15% of all player salaries, and based on revenue results either pockets it or refunds a certain amount of it to make sure the players receive the specified percentage of revenue the CBA says they get.
  15. Specifically, the escrow system currently in use. The salary cap is kind of a false number, since the players take a 15% hit off the top, most of which they'll never see again. I think they got 2% back last year.
  16. If indeed we live in just one of an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of possibilities, there would still be an NHL lockout in every single one of them. Nailed on.
  17. Alright, my turn(s). 45: Filip Forsberg 46: Matt Murray
  18. Wrapped up spring soccer season tonight. 90 degrees and about 99% humidity. We played two men down against the best team in our league as only nine guys showed up. And the other team is full of jerks who won't even the sides up in a damn 35 and over rec league. Absolute gym class heroes. Took a deflected shot square on the nose, couldn't get my hands up in time. Bastard who shot it put the rebound in too. Still, we kept it to 5-0. Respectable, all things considered. In possibly related news, my face hurts...
  19. When I was doing my list for the draft thingy I was struck by what seemed to be the inordinate number of Jets players in the top 100 or so. You'd think they wouldn't be a tire fire with the talent they have. The problem is, as you state, down the middle. Makes you glad JBOT can't swing a dead cat around in the locker room without hitting a decent to outstanding center on our team.
  20. Chad and Bob will be the majority through the turnstiles. Give it a year, they won't fill the arena. Though the tickets will be sold, so nobody in a position to do so will care.
  21. I'd be willing to bet that not a single one of those ticket buyers are fans. Gonna be a strange at,osphere in that place.
  22. German soccer journo (I was born in Germany and follow that league closely, although my hometown Stuttgart is terrible and in the Second division). He does a lot of English language stuff as well. Perhaps I'm unfairly attributing anyone following the sport with my own obsession.
  23. See that above. It would take a literal redo of the entire CBA, which can't ever happen in time for the previous CBA to not lapse, to do it.
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