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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. You're young yet, the emotional callouses will form for you in a few years. Also, if it makes you feel any better, I distinctly recall Pierre McGuire arguing that the Sabres could be a dark horse playoff contender on the eve of the tank season. Sometimes, it's all just poo being tossed at walls.
  2. Mmmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. Mind you, I live in a community (several contiguous communities actually) priding itself (themselves) on making everything foot/bike friendly. As a result: greenways everywhere (where bicyclists don't behave themselves either, but I digress) bike lanes on most major roads (excellent), and strict traffic enforcement in the areas one would explain etc things to be a problem in. All of that good. Not enough. Again, a bike going the wrong way up a hill on a blind curve is asking for trouble. Happens all the time right by my house. Won't be the bikers, who can see the mess, left to deal with it when the inevitable happens. Do bikes have a right to be on the road? Yes. Does this abrogate any responsibility for thier conduct? Depends on who you ask. The bicyclists I've seen and met don't seem to understand why everyone is always angry. Kinda like my daughter, six years old, had a habit of running straight across a busy hallway without regard for anyone walking. Except nobody dies in that scenario.
  3. Here's the thing. By my house, the narrow-two lane, lots of blind driveways until you get to the four lane crossroads. All sorts of moron bikers. If everyone's lucky, they'll just be in the middle of the lane they belong in. Enraging everyone else, but not killing them. I've seen it the opposite way as well. How nobody has been killed in my neighborhood on a bike in the right years I've been here is a miracle.
  4. As stated, wasn't trying to be funny. Just be aware that streets were not made for you and you'll do just fine. Take up an entire lane on a busy two lane road and.. well... you suck.
  5. I'm not trying to be overly humorous here, and I know that there are many bicycleists on this board, but if you are older than 15 and on a bike in America on streets meant for cars then you are an .
  6. Oh god yes. I was born in Germany. My father was in the army, my mother was (and this is important) also an American citizen. I went to the DMV when I turned 16 with My Army issued birth certificate. Wouldn't take it. My mom had to resort to contacting our congressman to get me a birth certificate issued by the department of state. Took a year. I was not licensed to drive until I was almost 18.
  7. For most normal places, yes. But, you know, because Buffalo.
  8. This is why I am eternally grateful that Virginia has made any and all DMV transactions, minus a few, paperless and online. I don't have to physically show up in a DMV office until 2024 when I'm required to have a new photo taken. Sorry Liger...
  9. It's called anti-vaxxers. Same constituency.
  10. This morning's selection: Uinta Hop Nosh IPA. Compete impulse buy, bog standard 7.3% IPA. Had never heard of this brewery; what made me buy it, in all honesty is that it's brewed in Salt Lake City. They allow that there?
  11. Also, an indefensible human being. But probably still well-sourced.
  12. Well then... this is why I have spent all but 9 months of every job I've ever had working for the government at some level.
  13. That should be a punishable offense... Jumping off on NS's obscure reference of yesterday in another thread, I'd tell WC "Straight to Hell, Boy..."
  14. Same as the old direction, but with fewer dollars paid in salary. Delivering value to shareholders...
  15. The micro only does phones and tablets. Laptops have to go in the old fashioned way.
  16. Next time put it in the oven at 450 for an hour.
  17. It actually doesn't effect the length at all. Extension kicks in after ELC expires.
  18. The deal he signs tomorrow is likely no different than the deal he signs ten months from now. IMO.
  19. Kinda bummed, was totally going to try and swing this but current circumstances prevent me from making solid plans and putting money down. I may well try to see if I can be in Buffalo that weekend, and get my own ticket(s) once I'm sure it can happen. Would very much like to be involved if possible.
  20. I love that movie so much... My younger sister, in her undergrad days (Geneseo) worked in some sort of writing lab thing helping what I can only assume were the freshman non-English majors with their papers. Not sure if it was voluntary on the part of those coming to her or not. She'd occasionally call me with some of the gems. Hoo boy. On par with, at most, the above.
  21. Oh. Oh no.
  22. I think you're underestimating the desperation of those fanbases as compared to ours.
  23. I most wholeheartedly disagree. The Oilers had literally half a generation of high end draft picks float through their franchise. Nothing stuck. The best player in quite some time, indeed, since well before the Oilers were bad enough to keep drafting first, and things go up from there. It should take nothing more than a short clip of the tears dude fought so hard to keep in when Edmonton won the lottery to know that they lucked ass-backwards into one of the greatest players ever. Dunno how dJack beats that, at least for the fans. And yes I assume all fans, as humans, are terrible monsters.
  24. McJesus means more to the Oilers. In all ways possible.
  25. Posting this talk from LaFontaine here. It's terrifying. I was there for the game against the Flyers he references halfway through, November of 96. He's wrong, though. He didn't make it through that game. He hit the ice after an innocuous hit in the first period, didn't come back that night, never played for the Sabres again. As someone who has had at least three diagnosed concussions, the last one getting ugly as I've detailed on this board previously, it's sobering. Also, might just explain, or at least give more info to consider in re: the spectacular, if short, failure that was his tenure in the front office. https://youtu.be/Kgv6v84DCzo
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