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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Now the Leafs call him up to drive the Zamboni... Taro, how could you?
  2. They will win the last two qualifiers, earning themselves a short and humiliating stay in the World Cup. The whole program should be blown up and started again. Probably won't. We'll still be rolling out the likes of Tim Howard and Clint Dempsey for the next Gold Cup...
  3. It absolutely needs to happen. It absolutely won't. Too many people making too much money the way things are. I doubt anybody willingly lets go.
  4. Dude. Awesome.
  5. This can't wait for Thursday. Just had to explain to a colleague, who until relatively recently was a partner in a large law firm, that I, and I assume everyone else, do (does) not appreciate him pissing all over the floor in our private bathroom. Seriously. He's an old dude, I assume there are prostrate issues, but there was piss on the wall. The wall. Bonus points, he left crumbs of god knows what all over the desk at the public window. I'm going to stab him.
  6. Oh but he will. The carousel of mediocrity that is the NHL coaching market continues spinning always.
  7. Spain is taking Italy to the woodshed. 1-0 after 13 minutes, I don't think Italy has actually touched the ball yet...
  8. He has, but if he indeed needed to be fired, then US Soccer should probably have had a better idea about replacing him than an old one that didn't work all that well the last time they tried it. Truth is, our players aren't all that good (with one obvious crazygonuts exception) and I'm not sure it matters who coaches this team. Actually, I'll amend that. Arena took the US to its best ever results. In 2002. Jobbed out of a spot in the WC Semifinals. Still, not sure he's up to making this bunch better than the sum of thier parts either.
  9. It's almost as if Klinsmann wasn't personally responsible for our garbage players playing like garbage. Funny, that. That having been said, there's no chance at all the US won't qualify.* There's equally no chance they'll do anything in Russia. *I reserve the right to retract this statement if they somehow lose to Honduras.
  10. He must not have drawn interest from anyone good if he's willing to take that amount from that circus. Oh well.
  11. I agree with you generally, but some of us can't help it lest society burn to the ground. Still, I get my holiday at some point later on, it's all good. I say the same about Thanksgivng, Christmas, and so on.
  12. Blech.
  13. I think that Zemgus benefited greatly under Ted's monkeys banging on typewriters coaching style and Latvians hijacking the all-star vote early on. He's not good.
  14. Love Edmund Fitz, and most of what Great Lakes does in general. Had my wedding reception there. May never drink it again.
  15. I'll most definitely be working this weekend. Day shifts, for the first time since May. (Shudders)
  16. Coming to camp weighing less, I'd assume.
  17. My favorite example of this ever was a tv edit of The Big Lebowski where a certain hilarious John Goodman line was changed to: "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps." Which in all honesty makes it funnier in a surrealist sort of way.
  18. No good can possibly come of that number.
  19. This is an example of why the NHLPA never stands a chance come CBA negotiation time. Union members arguing (in favor of management) against the bargained for rights of others. The real question here is why should kids from Junior have to go back in the draft? Of course, fixing that would require work.
  20. Welp. Alexis is off. Might as well set fire to the whole thing.
  21. If there were anyone with a brain or a set of balls On the board of directors at Arsenal, Wenger would be out on his ass tonight, everybody with an expiring contract sold, and a rebuild starting. There's not though, so there's going to be at least two more years of this.if he actually gets canned I'll eat my shorts. At least I'm not actually buying the most expensive tickets in the world to watch it. This is going to be ugly.
  22. Hey, I had to look it up.
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