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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Ugly goal. They all count.
  2. oops, there it is.
  3. Anyone else having difficulty finding a link to the video?
  4. Do you guys remember that time Ted Nolan friggin' put Barnaby at center between May and Ray? The hard-hat wearing denizens of the 300 level ate that nonsense up. Also, remember the hard hats? Cringey to look back upon now...
  5. I live in Virginia. Everyone is a mother Penguins fan. Consider yourself lucky dealing with only one douchebag. The Caps? Nope.
  6. Found a Gif. Blackwell seems to know where it is he should be in the offensive zone. At least.
  7. Grrrrrrr. Missed the goal. Who did what?
  8. Toss Tim Kennedy on the other side and you've got the Lollipop Guild.
  9. ooh, look what I found.... Way to go to the net, whoever that was.
  10. Missed the whole first. Thanks, people who demand I do my job...
  11. Holy crap, the stream actually appears to be working via the Sabres app on iOS.
  12. I personally enjoyed watching him sit there with his arms folded absolutely mean-mugging everyone during the press conference today while everyone else was politely applauding at whatever inane nonsense they were expected to applaud. My kinda player.
  13. heyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... don't let them make you feel bad about it. Morning beers are scientifically proven to be 30% tastier than lunch beers.
  14. Technically possible in one specific instance.
  15. Well. At least now we know why they didn't bother making a big, or indeed any sort of deal at all about today's event.
  16. I want to strike Jeff Wilson with a hammer. (Sorry, Mets fan moment) Edit: WILPON. Stoopid phone.
  17. That might even be more damaging, since we'd have to spend all season watching Zemgus ruin Jack (or at least his output) instead of one short blow...
  18. No clue. Other than Mike Harrington tweeting he's going to it I can find not one iota of info. Way to promote the product, NHL. Have a press conference but let's not try to get anyone interested. Oh, good, celebrity Rangers fan Matt Harvey slated to appear. this league.
  19. Probably. Still taking the overs.
  20. Taking three overs. I fully expect Jack to come out of the gate in beast mode and keep going. Provided Zemgus doesn't take him out again before game one.
  21. Sabres / Rangers / Mets press conference today at 12:00. This ought to be absolutely uninteresting and perhaps a bit aggravating.
  22. Entry-Level Contracts would be interesting. It would also play havoc with Junior and AHL teams. NCAA would love it, which means I hate it.
  23. Just settled my NHL.tv renewal. It's almost hockey boys and girls!
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