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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Are you habitually using drugs, stimulants, alcohol...?
  2. Dogs and cats, living together.... MASS HYSTERIA!!!!
  3. Remember, once Brad Marchand complained, slashing is legal now.
  4. Other than the five-man brain fart for pit's goal, might be the best period of preseason. It's almost like Disco was wrong and the puck is not poison... OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, SOMEBODY HIT SOMEBODY.
  5. Nah. Defender plowed him right into CJ.
  6. Josephson (oh however you spell that) can skate...
  7. Pro tip: maybe don't put all five skaters on one wall.
  8. NHL network has the MSG feed. Sweet Baby Jeebus thanks! RJ!
  9. NHL.tv is showing at least some preseason games. It's how I watched the Leafs game over the weekend.
  10. I know. You're both harshing my mellow. My fifteen-plus year hardon for smiting the NCAA is tantalizingly close to being satisfied (or at least tantalizingly close to seeing the process started). I can't have you two and your quite reasonable pessimism spoiling all my fun right now.
  11. Minor improvements are still improvements.
  12. It'll pick up once Zemgus takes out Jack's other ankle.
  13. Let a boy dream for a bit. Sheesh.
  14. I fully anticipate that this will get bigger and more hilarious.
  15. This is indeed going to get brutal. If Louisville doesn't get the "death penalty" after there are recordings of coaches making $100,000 payments to a recruit (I assume they'll get around to having the assistants involved agree to testify to avoid prosecution and finally end Pitino) then the NCAA needs to be torn down to the studs. It does anyway, and the fact that the NCAA was evidently unaware of what the FBI was doing this entire time means it just might happen; more to come. Hilariously, I've read that the one major school wholly unimplicated in this is Kentucky. Which, if true is a twist-ending M. Night Shamalyn and O. Henry both agree is a bit ham-fisted.
  16. Game will be on NHL network as well for those of us out of market.
  17. He did beat that one guy with a shoe...
  18. Milbury taking Eddie Olczyk's spot in the booth for NBCSN. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nhl/2017/09/26/mike-milbury-moving-into-ed-olczyks-role-nbc-hockey-analyst/705398001/ Sigh.
  19. One hopes, of course, that there's another (or heck, several more) shoes to drop.
  20. FINALLY. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/press-conference-advisory-2
  21. Des never sniffs Moulson's ice time (not that either or one of them is a good option) because Matty has hands, and the Sabres have centers. Des has hands in the literal sense, but unles throwing them at an opponent as hard as he can they're useless.
  22. Wait, I though slashing was legal now... . Matthews has a VERY punchable face....
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