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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. On the plus side: good time for a West Coast trip. Shake it up entirely. Play hockey. Let's see what we get.
  2. Meh. You do remember the Devils and their simulacrums?
  3. I still can't believe he didn't pull the between periods commentary on games from the 90's. His actual wheelhouse.
  4. Just had my "Oh crap I have to use a bunch of leave or I lose it" request formally approved. Other than Christmas Eve/Day which I'm required to work because of reasons, I'll be off from December 10th through January 6th. No plans to actually do anything as yet, and I don't know if I wanna make any.
  5. Another game I'll be watching on a delay. Stoopid work. Anyway, if they're going to respond to the calamity of Saturday after the misfortune of Thursday, it'll be this afternoon. I think they will. The consequences of anything else don't really bear thinking about after game 3.
  6. Not speaking for Swamp, but my view is that it's bad you should stop it. :rolleyes: Oh, and Happy birthday.
  7. No. ROR on the third line.
  8. [Offensive response about what the South will be doing and when redacted]
  9. I think we need to add the Yankees to the list of things that are verboten on his board...
  10. Both coaches, IMO, are going to want to destroy all film of this game and just bag skate everybody tomorrow. I honestly don't think I saw either team string two passes together all night. What a wierd game.
  11. Watching Lehtonen try as hard as he could to stay out of the way of the shot on the second goal was quite something...
  12. Hawks up 10-1 on Pittsburgh. Not even the end of the 2nd. Yeesh. Nevermind, end of the third. I can't read.
  13. Not the first time, nor the last time those words have been spoken.
  14. That is dirty by Weber.
  15. I mean, there's interference, and then there's INTERFERENCE.
  16. He's actually behind a desk at NHL Network and is being tasked with providing insight on the game. I checked, they did not put him in the archives, which would have been a good idea...
  17. , mine just crashed.
  18. Watching this team carry the puck into the zone on a regular basis is making me emotional.
  19. Can't help you with that one, no knowledge of the software. Maybe?
  20. Nope. No idea why that'd be the case.
  21. Their D in particular is slooooooow. Keep skating at them and good things will happen.
  22. What is up with ROR tonight?
  23. POMMENSTEIN!!!!!!!
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