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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Gudas is absoloute human garbage. That was made evident, repeatedly, well before this. He needs to be made to disappear.
  2. Agreed. Though he's lucky he came down on the shin pads (which I understand he was aiming for). Literally anywhere else and he'd be having himself one of those fancy in-person hearings.
  3. Scandella fined $5000 for his tee-shot of a slash last night. Lulz.
  4. Geese. They need to be deported right the back to Canada. Or something...
  5. Welp, Ireland. That was fun for about 25 minutes.
  6. They were put back together for Montreal.
  7. In all fairness, he did get his head bounced off the glass really violently. Not much accounting for that overall, unless you're saying he should have not had somebody else do that to him...
  8. Falk was pretty much responsible for both (non-EN) goals.
  9. Pretty sure he means on purpose.
  10. This is very meta.
  11. This is exactly why I'm never living anywhere north of where I do now, and am wondering if I didn't go far enough south. Snow twice a year is still two times too many...
  12. Will be missing this one. Guaranteed win.
  13. :flirt:
  14. As fun as that commercial was the first 150000 times, the service itself is heinously overpriced for what they offer. Don't be that guy.
  15. It's sulfur.
  16. So I have a dilemma and am wondering if anybody has any input. This is serious, life or death stuff.... I'm thinking about switching from Sling to Hulu Live TV. It looks like it'll actually save me $5 per month. I would, however, lose NHL Network. YouTube live is not yet an option in my area, and Dish and Fubo can just right off. Anybody else use Hulu Live? Sling is hot, nasty garbage from a functionality standpoint. Would drop it in a hot second but for said NHL Network issue. If Hulu actually works more than 80% of the time, however, I'm gone. Anyone?
  17. To be fair, you'd probably need to throw in a few late-round draft picks and a bag of pucks to each...
  18. I have spent all day thinking the Sabres had a game tonight. Was most put out that there was no GDT and was about to start one until I discovered that this was entirely a me problem and today is Thursday. Blech on both counts.
  19. If he had an hour and a half to get to the spot, yes.
  20. Hoo boy, that’s 98% of Bertuzzi on Moore.
  21. Two observations: 1. Lenny needs to have a shock-collar fitted and an invisible fence needs to be installed to keep him above the goal line. He just can’t help himself, always with the nice feeds to the other team. 2. For the love of god: Shoot. The. Puck. This applies to everyone, I don’t even care anymore.
  22. Risto personally responsible for both goals against.
  23. Been through that. Nerve-wracking until you get it back, visa attached.
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