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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Welp. In an apparent act of mercy, NHL.tv is apparently not working. Guess I won't be subjecting myself to this one...
  2. I just rolled my eyes so hard one of them is now lodged in my brain.
  3. The discount on that cap hit next year might look appetizing to a certain cap floor dwelling franchise...
  4. Am probably going to watch this one, because I hate myself that much. 4-1 Avs.
  5. Give it six months.
  6. Oh hell son, an Olgaechy is what we have. Libertarianism would extend that to any landowner. That is, any landowner too weak to resist the martial force of his neighbor... Above and beyond that... Liberatafians love to chatter on abut thier freedoms. Funny, they are never your freedoms, Eliminate government and let capital determine literally everything... sounds a bit like slavery, no?
  7. Libertarianism IS Fascism.
  8. You're assuming capatilism works as you were tought.
  9. Nope.
  10. Oh, godamnit.
  11. Once the purge I'm sure is coming is over, it will. Hint: his name is Kyle...
  12. 1. It's not just Morrisey. 2. Morrisey singing is an infinite amount better than Morrisey talking.
  13. If you'll recall the "any goalie who can actually stop a puck will be traded!!!!!" period, they were absolutely tanking the first time.
  14. Hoo boy, that's a bit on the nose...
  15. I mean, Okposo being godfather to Matty's kids and vice versa... we saw his reaction. Okposo for captain, I guess is what I'm saying.
  16. Okay, random thing unconnected to a previously discussed kid's restaurant: Whenever I sing, my dog (the one I got to keep, anyway) puts himself in his crate. I don't ever put him in there anymore. Now that he's by himself and I don't have to worry about my other dog (custody with the ex) messing with him he can do what he wants. I've tested this with loud music and tv, doesn't phase him. The second I start singing along, like a shot to the crate. It's weird. And has only been a thing since... the unpleasantness... I'm at a loss. I mean, I don't want to scar the old boy, but sometimes I get drunk and listen to The Smiths at ill advised volumes... like now...
  17. Amazing what an actual NHL roster can do...
  18. Currently watching Nashville skate circles around the Bruins. This makes me smile...
  19. There are many, despite all available evidence, who will disagree.
  20. Also possible that he hit hitches his wagon to Jack after the dust settles and looks to captain this team (I think when the dust settles he gets the C) to respectability and perhaps beyond. Got enough years left on that deal...
  21. Alright, the Agatha Christie novel that is my local Chuck E. Cheese's comes to a phoned-in ending... https://www.wsls.com/news/virginia/roanoke/no-attempted-abduction-at-roanoke-chuck-e-cheese-police-say I was able to get the (full, unreported upon) story when I came in to work this morning. Everybody involved is an idiot. Carry on.
  22. Worth considering (largely because people are voting they want him gone): Okposo goes absolutely nowhere unless Okposo feels like it. Full no-move.
  23. I think he got hurt in the last game, no?
  24. I think the house of cards Disco and xGMTM built up to the point of mediocrity collapsed once JBOT and Housley came in and wanted to go in a more proactive (you know, keep the puck, pass it to actual teammates) direction. I'd be shocked if either of the latter two found this to be entirely surprising, in all honesty. Last season might well have been the best it could possibly have gotten given the roster as constructed and the prospect pool having dried up thanks to the pipeline to other teams xGMTM had installed to construct said roster. This is, of course, all my opinion with the benefit of hindsight.
  25. As to the bold he can get as injured as he likes this year and he'll still collect every dime due under the extension. Whatever it is he's thinking, or not, it isn't that.
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