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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Is the ice just a random pattern of ruts out there?
  2. On a positive note, it really is noticeable how much better Jack is coming back lately...
  3. Dafuq was Scandella doing?
  4. I hate Carolina. And the entire Staal family, while we're at it...
  5. The Mets... Omar Minaya (you know, the guy who used to be the GM and absolutely crashed the franchise into the ground) hired by owner Fred Wilpon as "special assistant to the GM" behind the current GM's back (he just signed a new contract days ago). This after Wilpon's comments about how upset he is the Yankees got Stanton. While he has directed a cut in payroll for the Mets. SELL THE TEAM YOU INVERTERATE ASSCLOWN.
  6. God, the replies... Lots of mom's basement types paying way too much attention to Risto. That's been going on for years already. We get it, he's not the love child of Bobby Orr and Scott Stevens... let's move on to something relevant.
  7. Erm, did you happen to catch Bryan Adams at the Ottawa outdoor game? Everything he played was older than a good chunk of the posters here... I doubt the Goos make it past 1999.
  8. It was noticeable to me last night how weak on his skates he is.
  9. I dunno, the JBOTs "we'll take calls on anyone not named Jack Eichel" was a bit telling... That aside, I still believe all parties involved knew this was going to be a tough season. And I have to believe that there's a plan. This year is down the toilet. Just give us something...
  10. Yup.
  11. Thomas Vanek just scored the most Thomas Vanek goal that Thomas Vanek has ever scored... I'm not crying, you're crying...
  12. This team. There's gonna have to be some serious turnover sooner rather than later. This group just can't.
  13. No sense in blaming the goalie on a team that couldn't score in a brothel.
  14. That's a good penalty taken by Kane.
  15. They're not gonna score, again, are they?
  16. Decent first ten or so minutes. Let’s see if they’re still going this hard by the 3rd...
  17. No, they're literally playing right now.
  18. Quite a few journalists have beeup all night, in Vegas, trying to figure out what the home team advantage is...
  19. I've stayed out of this thread largely because I really don't love Star Wars as much as child me did. Return of the Jedi is the first movie I can remember seeing in a theater. I was in college when the Phantom Menace came out. Saw that when it opened. Haven't seen the other two prequels to this day. Have never seen The Force Awakens. Did see Rogue One on Netflix because I was bored and liked it. Anyway, had a friend drag me to see Last Jedi today. To quote John Hodgman, had they recreated this film scene for scene as animation and slapped Miyazaki's name on it, film schools all over the world would explode. It's that good, and such a departure from the formula... I enjoyed every second. Still not watching the stuff I missed though...
  20. To be honest, though it’d never happen, the real answer is to take the cages off the kids and teach them to keep sticks and pucks down. The drawback of all the equipment is that there is a certain amount of impunity in getting sticks and elbows up. Plus, and I speak from experience, refs at lower levels are absolute garbage. Many little bastards come through accordingly...
  21. Just finished watching the game on delayed fashion and haven’t read this thread since this afternoon. This one’s hard to take. The team puts forth a creditable performance. Jack looks like a star. The goalie, For all intents and purposes, puts three in his own net. UGH........
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